Chapter 17

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"Dan, I cant just let you stay! You have you family, school, so much that you'll miss for me. I cant live with that." Phil pleaded to me. I couldn't leave him, thats for sure.

"Phil your more important that all of that! You're what makes me happy! Don't you want me to be happy?" I gushed back. There's no way phil can win this, I've gone too long without him.

"You know that's not true, I want more then anything for you to be happy-"

"Then why don't you want me here?! How am I supposed to go back to my normal life knowing you're still alive. My best friend. My only friend. I need you." I yell in question.

It had been about an hour or more since we figured everything out. For awhile neither of us could process any of the situation. How could you wrap your hard around the fact that not only is your ex-dead best friend really alive still, but you're also in a parallel universe or something. It's too much for anyone sane to handle.

Luckily, I'm not sane.

After piecing everything together, it got really emotional. There was a lot of crying and hugging and sharing stories that we had missed in each others lives because we hadn't been in the same universe.

At least we can say our friendship is truly unique.

But soon the point that I have to go back was brought up again. But I cant. I wont.

"Go on knowing I'm living. That I'm okay. That I'm happy. Cherish this time that you got to see me again. I'll do the same." Phil smiled sadly at me. I realize that he's obviously not doing this for himself, but he's doing it for me. For my family.

Phil knew my family so well, just like I knew his. Of course he'd never want to do anything to hurt them. Ever. But still, I have always needed phil. Once he died, my life fell into a downward spiral of depression, anxiety, and OCD. I can't live like this anymore.  It feels like the sun hasn't been out since he's left me. Like only now that I'm with him again I remember what it's like to feel the sun on my back, even though I'm inside. Phil is my sunshine.

"This isn't living! Well... Maybe for you it is. For me, life without you isn't living at all. You're the best and worst things that's ever happened to me." Tears start streaming down my face again. I probably look like I've aged ten years in one day.

"I know this isn't living, but it's what we've got. You don't have this, the world you in right now, my world, it's not yours.  We have to accept that you don't belong here." He was whispering harshly now. His breath was shaky. He was right and I knew it. And it was hard on both of us.

The room fell to silence. We sat for minutes looking down at out feet, and wiping our eyes. Until finally I decided on something to say.

"God, look at you. What happened to the little boy who wanted to be a prince? The little boy who told me we would live together? I hardly even recognize you." I let out a dry laugh, and give him half a smile behind my puffy red eyes.

"Look who's talking, you're eyes used to be brighter, you'd smile more... what happened to us?" He followed with the same empty giggle.

"We need each other. We are at our worst without each other." I say quietly to him.

"That doesn't matter. You know that." He said, nearly inaudibly.


Hello. I high key love this chapter tbh. I'm really proud of it :)

Okay, so about the picture on the top of the chapter...

So i took this really pretty photo the other day, and i thought I'd put it here because its a picture of the pond that actually gave me the idea for this book. You don't have to read through this, but im gonna share the story of how i got the inspiration if you're curious. So this pond is my favorite place at my dads house. Its beautiful and quiet and i love it. I had my friend over one day, and so i took them to my favorite place, the pond. As we sat there looking at the pond it got dark and the stars started to come out. My friend pointed out the the stars didn't reflect in the water. It was really weird to see because the pond was so still that it was neary like a mirror. I dint remember who had the idea that its like a parallel universe just there through the water, but whenever it was said it suddenly hit me that it could make a really cool story.

So yeah, thats some information you didn't need or ask for.

Love you! Bye!

~ Madi

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