Chapter 24

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The café was just how I remembered it when I used to go with phil. I hadn't gone back since, it would have been to hard. I would have remembered all our time together and would have broken down.

But it's all okay because I'm here now with Phil. And I don't have to think about all the trama I faced as a child when Phil died.  Or didn't die? I don't even know how to talk about this properly anymore.

"It's still as cozy as I remember it" I comment. Cozy really meant small, and empty. But it did have a homey feel to it.

"Yeah a place like this never really does change." He says back. I can hear his stomach growl from the other side of the table and know he's hungry.

Seeing as pretty much no one else is at this café right now, food didn't take that long to be served. Which is good because I hate it when food takes forever to be brought to you. It's so annoying.

But this place isn't like that. The food comes fairly quickly. Judy come through the kitchen doors with her hands full of trays and heads over to us. She sets our played in front of us and puts a thing of coffee in the center of the table, with a bowl of creamers.

"Thank you!" Phil called as Judy walked back to the kitchen, and she acknowledged him with a nod of her head.

Phil picks up his fork and digs in, but I take one look down at my plate and my stomach sinks. The silverware is splotchy, and I know it's just from washing it, but I can't get the idea out of my head that it's not clean. My food is sloppily thrown together, all touching and running together.

I glanced up at Phil who hadn't yet noticed my discomfort. I want to keep it that way. I'd feel so guilty if I ruined our good time.

Why am I like this? All I do is ruin things! Is this silverware clean?

"I'm going to run to the bathroom really quickly" I tell Phil  and head off. He didn't notice that I had slipped my silverware into mg pocket. I planned to clean it in the bathroom sink.

I know, I know, it could be bad for me to use hand soap on my silverware, but over the years I've accidentally consumed so much hand sanitizer in small portions that it doesn't matter that much.

When I return to the table I feel much better already. Phil still seems content with his food meaning I managed to not mess everything up.

So as Phil eats I quickly get to sorting my food apart. Later we pay for the meal and duck out.

"That was fun, right?" Phil smiled at me a blinding smile.

"Just like old time" I joke

"You're making us sound like we are super old " Phil laughed at me

"You're old, I'm just a poor young soul" I say dramatically earning a jokingly annoyed glance from phil.

"Oh shut it, you spork" Phil giggled and stuck his tongue out at me.

We both laugh and then sit in a uncomfortablesilence together as we walk with no destination.

"Any idea of what to do next?" I ask him

"We could sky dive onto a flaming train full of snakes and legos before it falls into a pit of lava and rabid demon monkey's " Phil suggests, obviously kidding. I give him an unamused glance.

"Fine fine, I've got an idea of where to go" he says.

Okay so sorry about last week I was so tired and just didn't feel like writing. Leave me alone.

Also I'm still really tired but I decided to write anyways xD I'm just a tried person

Oh well I'll just constantly suffer, amirite?

Love you! Bye!


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