Chapter 11

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Finding my way to class was easy. It's the same class I go to everyday. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I fell into the pond, and I woke up on the shore. Grass stains stuck to my jeans.

My phone informed my it's was time to go to school, a whole day after I fell into the pond. Most mother's would be worried sick if their children never showed uo at home, but my mom wasn't. She knew the anniversary of phils death was the hardest, and it's likely i won't come home for even a few days.

Anyways, the class was easy to find, it's the same path I've been taking all year. Everything is the same. Except the people were acting different.

"Hello! I'm Zoe, you're the new kid. Dan, right? Welcome to the school!" A young girl, Zoe, told me. She had long brown hair that faded to blonde. She was very pretty.

"What?" I ask, confused. New? Zoe should know me! We've been friends for ages.

"Zoe, give the poor chap some space to breath. Don't smuggle him on his first day." Joe told Zoe. I knew it was joe because I know him! Why doesn't he know me?

"What are you going on about?" I ask, looking between them. They laugh like I'm the crazy one!

"Anyways, the only advice i can give you is beware of Phil Lester. He a phyco bully." Zoe told me. I almost choked.

"Phil Lester? Like Philip Michael Lester?" I asked in disbelief.

" I don't know, mate. It's just Phil. That's all i know. Watch out for him." They walk away, confused. They seem unhappy with my reaction to their friendship.

I know its a dream im in. Phil is dead. He's been dead for years. But it's nice to feel like he's alive again.

I skip off to my first class after calming myself down. I'm so excited that I nearly stepped on a crack on the tile, I didn't though. Thank God.

When I get to class, a minute late, the teacher makes me stand up in front of everyone and introduce myself. It's weird, I knew all these people, but in the dream they didnt know me.

I introduced myself as dan, and took my seat by Phil. I had seen him instantly upon walking in here. He looks different then he usually does in my dreams, but it's still clearly him.

I take a seat next to him, seeing as it's the only one open. It's convenient, but it's a dream, what can I say?

I start to talk to him, but he acts like he doesn't know me. Just like everyone else. It's sad, after the anniversary of his death it would have been a nice dream if he already knew me. I wasn't so lucky though.

He didnt know me, and it hurt. It'd be okay though, I have dreams like this before, it always works out alright.

I'd play along with the dream and let him get to know me. It'll work out. Patients.

When its time for break I follow Phil. I ask him if it's be alright if i could hang with him. He said it was alright, but i couldn't shake the fact that he had been looking at me often in confusion.

Maybe I hit my head when. I fell in that pond. Maybe im in the hospital now dying like Phil was. Maybe I'm in my bed just fine, but whatever it is, this dream is very different from ones I've had before.

He goes off to get his lunch, and I stay away from his locker with the odd number.


This is also a rushed chapter because my school was off today because roads were bad, and im at my grandmas house. I've also been reading Zoella book "Girl Online" today and it's so good? I wish my stories were half as good as that book? I recommend it.

Anyways it's kind rushed but its still good. Ill see ya all next Monday!

Love you! Bye!


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