Chapter 15

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Phils pov

Me and Dan make our way to my house,  both still a little shaken by his panic attack. We walked into my house faced with Mrs. Lester. Dan looks around with the curiosity of a child, but there seems to be a thin film of sadness across his face. Maybe I'll ask him about it later.

After a few short minutes of being home, Mrs. Lester summons me to the kitchen saying she needs to talk to me. I feel kinda bad leaving Dan alone in a house he doesn't know.

Nevertheless I follow my mom to the kitchen seeing as it seems important.

"Phil, does anything about dan seems a bit... odd to you?" She asked me as soon as we were away from Dan.

"Uh, no? Why?" I asked back. It's Mrs. Lester who seems odd at the moment.

"He doesn't remind you of anyone?" She says like it's not even a question. Like the answer is supposed to be obvious.

"I mean, he seems familiar, but I haven't put my finger on it. But why?" I look to her patiently.

"Okay," She sighed, " when you were younger you had you imaginary friend, Dan. You always described him a lot like that dan. It could be a total coincidence, but it's just odd. I don't know what it is, but it's weird."

"Mrs. Lester, my apologies for sounding rude, but you are talking crazy. What are you even suggesting?my imaginary friend came to life?" I ask weirded out. A small part of me felt differently thought.

"No not at all, that'd be crazy. Just, maybe you're imaginary friend wasn't so imaginary. Maybe you've met Dan before. I don't know. " Mrs. Lester said, sighing and rubbing her face. She could tell she sounded crazy; she's never like this.

"Phil honey, when you and I first met you showed up at my front door saying I was your mom. Of course I'm not, but little you was so sure that i was. Maybe... Maybe you knew Dan before you knew me and maybe he knows something. I don't know. Don't you think any of this might make sense?" She seemed almost begging now. She made good points, and part of me Thought she might be on to something, but she sounded crazy.

"Mrs. Lester, I have to go back to the guest. I'm sorry. " I say excusing myself. I was done with that conversation.

Me and Dan went up to my room and started talking after that. My mind was shaken up a bit from the conversation with Mrs. Lester. Part of my thinks that I'm the one who caused this madness on Mrs. Lester.

"Phil?" Dan suddenly asked. We were just talking about how I had a dream of a world similar to this, but with "stars" and my imaginary friend.

"Yeah?" I respond not even looking up.

"Would I sound crazy if I said I know of the dream world you're talking about?" He asked, and my eyes shot up to meet his.

"You'd sound bonkers. " I tell him seriously.

But he wouldn't. He'd sound like the only rational person on this earth. He'd sound like the only person who understands me.

"When I was younger, I had a friend. He died during a game of tag, falling into a pond." Dan says quietly. Slowly.

"No. You're lying. You're making it up to get a rise out of me" I tell him.

But he isn't and I know it.  deep down I know it.

And suddenly in a flash it comes back to me.

Oh, Dan, I've missed you.


I'm not sure how to feel about this chapter. Was it crap? Should I rewrite it? I dunno. If you didn't like it, let me know and I'll rewrite it.

Love you! Bye!


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