Chapter 30

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I find myself alone at the pond at sunrise. The air is kinda cold, but not too bad. It's Monday though, and I have school today, so I have to get home.

The walk is a short one past my favorite park, and down the road. This early in the morning everything is so quiet.

When I make it to my house I walk inside. Instantly it a much warmer.

"Where's your friend?" Mrs. Lester asks when she walks out from the kitchen.

"Friend?" I ask, confused as who she's talking about.

"You know, Dan. Your friend." She said like it wad obvious.


This went on for a while, but I had no idea what she was talking about, however that wasn't the only thing that was weird that happened today, I've also felt oddly happy and at peace all day.

Oh well.



It's so cold. The sun is rising on the horizon, but it's not enough to warm me. From head to toe I'm covered in water, and shivering. 

Oh yeah, I fell in.

I don't remember how I got out of the water, but I did somehow. And now it's cold.

I wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to keep warm ad I take the long way to my house to avoid the road with many cracks.

My phone is out of battery so I don't know the time. Or the day. How long had I been at the pond?

When I finally get home I run up to my room to put on warmer and dryer clothes. I know my mom isn't awake for another few minutes anyways.

After letting my phone be plugged in for a little i turn it on. The time says 7:12, but I already knew that from my alarm clock on my bedside table. What I was really surprised about that the date said Monday.

When my mom woke up we exchanged 'good mornings' but she didn't question as to where I've been, because it's normal for me to disappear for days at a time around the anniversary of phils... death.

With my head still a bit foggy, I walk to school. On my walk, though, I pass Mrs. Lester.

"Good morning, Dan"

"Good morning, Mrs. Lester"

"You know, whenever the weather is nice I like to go for a walk and pretend it's Phil watching over me" she says with a sad smile. The sun had risen much more and was getting much warmer, "how do you think he is?"

"I have a feeling that he's doing great, wherever he may be." I day, continuing my walk to school with a wave good bye.

Oh what I would give to see Phil one more time since he died...

The End

If you were wondering, Dan buys a houseplant and names it Phil because he gets a sudden urge to. Oops

This story is over! I loved writing it so much!

New story tomorrow that you should check out!


Love you! Bye!


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