Chapter 12

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1st P.O.V

I huffed and kicked at the ground. "You know what!? I don't give a shit about you!all you act like is a douche towards me since you showed your true form!" I yell from across the park. He instantly turned his head and looked at me in eyes with hidden sadness and kept walking flipping me off. I shook my head and walked to walked back to the house. I look on my phone to see a message from Sans.

Sans: hey, I really want to apologize for what I did the other night...

I sighed and dropped my phone onto the table where it was laying. I ruffle my hair and looked around. All of a sudden it's dark and I can only see past my hands. I start to panic and walk around. I keep walking until I feel a cloth.

"Hello?" I ask tugging on the cloth.

"H#@4&^$$ @@!#%&^^&*%$@." I hear the voice say in a language I don't understand.
(Hello Y/N, glad to see you again.)

I back up and Dallas onto my back, feeling as if I broke it. "ACK!"  I barely let out the sound.

"%&^$^&^#^*($^&^%$&^!!@#$)&*&&^%?"  He says holding out his hand in front of me.
(Oh my, it's seems you have fallen, need help?")

"NO GET AWAY!!" I scream at him and get up on my own, when all of a sudden the room goes back to normal and I hear pounding on the door. I get up and open the door to be pummeled to the ground by Sans.

" I saw that you read my text and didn't respond so I wanted to come over to see if you were okay." He says still on top of me. When I realize he's still on me I blush and look away. He looked confused until he notice 1: he's on top of me, and 2: his knee is in between my legs. He instantly got off me and apologized.

"Heh, sorry kiddo." He says rubbing the back of his skull.

"It's fine really." I stated while getting up and start walking to the kitchen. Suddenly I feel something on my hand, I look behind me to see that Sans grabbed my hand.

"Wait...before you do. Anything or kick me out I need to do something..." He pulled me closer and into a deep and passionate kiss. I blush but kiss his back. He started to go further and stick his tongue into my mouth, I was shocked and wasn't digging it. I pulled away and looked away, but instead he grabbed me and pulled me into another kiss while touching my ass. I slap him and back away.

"YOU'RE SUCH A PERVERT!" I yell at him before I run out and into the enchanted forest. I ran as fast as I could, zig zagging between trees until I finally stopped and sat behind a tree. It felt like hours before I wanted to leave and go home. But I knew he was out here and he was yelling my name. The more he yelled my name I started to cry even more.


I guess I fell asleep cause I woke up and it was night time and the crystals were shining bright. I look around to see a beautiful lake. I stand up and walk only to see a mysterious creature that looked like a griffin but had one big eye and four smaller eyes. I looked at it astonished. It looked over at me and I panic but stayed still.
(The creature above is what it looks like)

"What did I just get myself into..."
Hey guy! I have an announcement! Who ever comments first, will have an OC or themselves in the next chapter! So go do it! Another thing, sorry for not updating ;~; I just don't have enough time anymore, but I'm still going to go on with the book! Anyways thanks for reading, bye!


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