Chapter 14

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//please be aware there is gross content in this chapter, not lemons but periods.
1st P.O.V

I run over to see Yama on the floor crying. I cover my mouth and try to help her up.

"Ah I see, you wanna run don't you?" I hear that deep voice and look up. It was him standing there with his blade. She smiled and looked at me. "Hello Y/N, nice to see you again..." I picked Yama up and ran past him out the door.

I can feel my eyes fighting back the tears from falling. I start to cry uncontrollably. I run as far and as fast as I could with her on my back. I sat her down and I realized we were in the enchanted forest and under the willow tree. I look over at her and feel her chest to make sure she's alive. 'Good she's sill breathing..' I pick her up and started walking home.

When I got to the house I sat her down and walked into the kitchen to go get her some water. I turned the corner to have my lips locked with someone else's. I push back by pushing on their chest. It was Ashton. His brown hair all messed up and his shirt looked like it was ripped off. I blushed and touched my fingers to my lips.
"I-I'm sorry..." I heard his voice crack as he stepped closer and put his hand on my waist.
"Stop..." I give him a glare and walk past him sway my hips. I licked my lips in anger and grabbed a glass and filled it up with water. When I looked back at him he was giving me a lust filled look.

"Just stop." I almost yelled at him but I kept my voice low but loud enough so it seemed I was angry. I pushed him out the way and walked back to the living room. I sit the glass down and sat down to Yama's almost life like body.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset...its just, you're in heat and I wanna make you feel the best you can while you're in it." He says pointing his two pointer fingers together. I look at him confused until I felt a cramp.
"Ow ow ow, fuck!" I grab my stomach and looked at him in sure pain. He looked at me nervously and then walks out the room. "Ashton wait! If your leaving get me tampons!" I yell practically waking up Yama but not at the same time. I instantly cover my mouth and watch her.
"Yea sure! What kind do you need?" He sounded really nervous and weirded out.
"Regular please!" I say back almost about to cry. "Ow, ow, ow, owwww." I say laying down on the couch. As I did so I heard a door close lightly. I sigh and stared at the ceiling until I dozed off.

The Angel Of Death ( Reaper Sans x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now