Chapter 17

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My rage grew too strong and I broke out of the chair with a scream. My sword appeared in my hand with a swipe of a hand. Tears ran down my face as I suspense-fully walked to the other room where Sans was at with an evil grin on his face.
"HOW COULD YOU?" I felt my heart break from looking at Ashton's lifeless body.
"Like I said before Y/N, he was getting in the way of our love. And I couldn't have that, now could I? You see, he clearly had a crush on you. And I wasn't going to deal with him stealing my girl." He said leaning himself on the side of the chair where Ashton was.
My anger built up to the point where I just bursted. I summoned vines to trap and slam Sans to the wall, with that there was a thud of his skull hitting the wall.
"I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU." I used my free hand to choke him.
"BUT NO, YOU HAD TO BE A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND TRY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME." I squeezed tighter, feeling the bones of his neck start to crack.
"AND NOW, NOW YOU KILLED MY DOG!?" I looked him dead in the face, tears rolling down my face uncontrollably.
"Well sir..... You just earned your one way ticket to h e l l." I finally dug the sword into the skeletons back bones. He started to laugh and I looked at him in shock, it's suppose to kill a skeleton if their back bones break, and or their neck bones. He looked at me with deadly black eyes and whispered into my ear.
"You're gonna have a bad time...."


Woah! A update!! I'm soooo sorry for the short chapter, I've been having major writers block, so please hang in there.

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