Chapter 25

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I laid there, coughing of blood that I didn't was coming up. I felt so weak, so petty, so missable.... I didn't know what to do, I just looked at the floor where a puddle of blood was just there. I could feel my eyes strain with tears, everything hurt and there was nothing I could do but to just slowly die and only hope someone or something would come to save me.

Time skip to about a day later....

In my little jail cell there was a little window, there I could see the sun and trees. I looked down at my blood soaked hands and finally tightened them. By now, I was put into a little room with a tiny bed and a window, but nothing else. I finally had the strength to stand, to walk and to search. All around this room was stones and leaks, I wasn't a nice place at all. I walked to the window and reached my hand out, bringing my soul out for some magic. When I finally brought out the (f/c) upside down heart, I closed my eyes and concentrated on getting something or anything to me.

I could feel my heart start to race as I felt something slither gently into my hand, I looked to see flower vines growing apron my hand and forearm. I smiled with tears of relief, knowing that I still have Mother Earths power. I made leaves, vines, flowers, and about anything else come to me to help me get out. I had to first figure out what I were to do about my wings, since now they're just bloody stubs. I made a few rose vines crawl up my back and to my non-existent wings and created bandages. I felt relief after feeling the numbness of the stubs come back so it wouldn't hurt.

I know I had to get out of here but I didn't know how, Chara locked the door with some kind of death spell... I looked back and the window and thought I could saw away at the bars. I started gathering more bark, thorns, and things that were strong and sharp until I finally made some kind of device to saw. I grabbed onto one of the bars and started sawing at it, surprisingly the device worked pretty well because the bar came off fairly quickly. I kept going until I got the last bar to haul off. I gasped quietly and started to climb out of the window until I fell out the other side. I carefully made sure to put back the bars and to make them look like they were never sawed off in the first place. I then looked around my surroundings to see where I was at.

From what I could gather I was still in the woods, maybe the enchanted woods if I was lucky. I took a step out, almost tripping on soothe thing that didn't catch my eye, so I just kept walking.

Another time skip cuz I'm lazy

I was walking for a few until I spotted my village where my house was, I ran in to feel someone embrace me...

Hey guys, Dylan here!

So I got a question with only one word....


State yes or no in the comments....

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