Chapter 16

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1st P.O.V

I could feel the tears streaming down my face and feel the pain in my throat from wanting to cry. "Aw, darling, no tears~" the man says stroking my face with one of his fingers, it was boney....
"G-get off me!" I yell at the monster.
"No can do sweetheart." The monster said in my ear. Before I knew it I was knocked out. In my mind all I could do was worry about what the monster is gonna do to Ashton.



I woke up with a cold chill down my back. I look around, nothing. I could feel myself shaking, out of fear and confusion. I was in a room, all by myself, nothing in it, pitch black, no sound, only the sound of me breathing.
"H-hello?" I say weakly, I felt a sudden pain in my shoulder. I yelp and start to hyperventilate. It must have been when that monster slammed me into the wall. I hear the door open and it felt like my heart stopped as the door closed.
"Hello love, how'd you sleep?" I hear the voice from afar. I didn't say anything. I could feel him coming closer to the point where he was right in front of me. I felt his 'lips' hit mine with passion, I pull away and spit in his face, he chuckled and took off the blind fold nod I could see the room. It was white with nothing in it except the chair I was in and a one way window.

I looked around in fear and then I met with his eyes. 'Sans' he looked at me with a smile.
"What are you going to do with me?? Where's Ashton??"I yell at him, struggling to get my hand free.
"Oh nothing, I'm just gonna make you watch your dogs death, that's it. And he's fine. For now"                                          he said with a chuckle.
"Wh-what do you mean?? You're gonna kill him in front of me?" I said with tears threatening my eyes. He nodded with a sadistic smile. My eyes went wide when he pointed to the window. I looked through the window to see Ashton in a chair, beaten up. My throat started to swell as I saw the sight of him.

"Why would you do this?? He didn't do anything!!" I yell at him, my throat hurting.
"He did do something.... He kept us from seeing each other..."he said with a serious tone.
"Don't hurt him please!" I pleaded with tears streaming down my face.  He just smiled and walked into the other room where Ashton was being held. He picked Ashton's head up by his hair, I could see the cuts and bruises all over his face. Sans smiled and pointed towards me. I could see the tears stream down his face as he saw me.

"ASHTON!!" I scream out to him, he looked at me and mouthed, "I'm sorry" and with that I saw Sans stab Ashton with a bone through his chest. The blood coming out of his mouth slowly. At that moment I felt my heart sink, then a rush of anger come out. I screamed at the top of my lungs.


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