Chapter 18

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My eye went wide when I heard those words slip out of his mouth so smoothly. Without a warning a rotten bone went through my lower stomach. I felt tears fall from my eyes when I saw the death in his eyes. I fell to my knees and looked up to him. He just smiled and kicked me right int the place where the bone hit. Blood came flowing out of my mouth like a slow moving waterfall. The tears kept coming and I couldn't stop them. What is this feeling? Is this death? It can't be, I thought death was more simpler. I coughed and gagged on the blood. But I stood up and clanged onto a near by wall. I spat out some blood and wiped my lips.

"I'm not that easy to kill, bastard." I laughed at him and summoned my sword. This time the word was covered in thorns and was Black with a hint of red. I soon realized my clothes weren't the same. I looked down to see that I was wearing a black long dress. My wings turned pitch black. And I could feel the fire in my soul rage in anger and sadness.

"I'm tired of your shit, Sans."my voice was covered in venom. My teeth didn't dare to open while I said this.

All this sadness, this anger, this guilt, this.... Feeling of failure I needed to overcome and stop being sad. My body was out of control. I hated Sans..... He killed my dog and almost killed my friend. If he loved me so very much, why would he do this? I don't care anymore. I'm the one who needs to finish this. After I kill Sans I can bring back Ashton and we could go to Mother Earths house and try to settle things. My fingers twitched as I looked into his black eye sockets.

"You know what? Fuck it." I dropped my sword and gave him a warm smile. He looked at me with confusion. I have a plan, I'm gonna trick him into thinking I actually love him..... I stepped a little closer, not letting my guard down but making sure I look like I'm so in love with him. Sans smiled and his bones disappeared. My heart felt at ease, at least a little, when I saw him. I looked over again to see my dog still dead with blood all over the area he's in. I gulped and finally came so close to Sans that we were almost touching. Without hesitation I kissed him.

The Angel Of Death ( Reaper Sans x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now