Chapter 1

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"Let's just break up." She sighed. She was staring at the night lights of the city from the 23rd floor of this building.

I will not get shock if she will ask me to break up with her because I know that she was suffering from waiting and false hopes that I am giving her.

I was just ducking my head while I was sitting at the corner of my bed. She came to visit me and said that should just break up after telling her that I am still not ready for marriage.

I am just 22 and she's just 21 and we're still both working for our future. I, as a new actor and performer waiting for my own limelight. We both can't just marry each other without any proper plan for the future. We're just starting to build our own name.

"I'm sorry," I said then hugged her from behind. I put my head on her shoulder and planted a kiss.

"James, I just can't stay like this forever. We've been together for few years now. I never looked for another man, because I love you so much! But I need an assurance James, I don't care about the fame!"

"We are still young. There's still a lot of time to think about that," I assured her and held her hand.

"No. If you can't marry me, then let's just break up. I'll find a man who can stand on his feet that never cares about himself and fame. Goodbye, James. See you on my wedding day," she said and stormed out at the door without looking back. I was frozen on my feet and I never had the chance to ran into her and if ever I did, I am sure that it will go viral in the social network that a newbie actor was caught arguing/dating a newbie actress from the same talent network. Isn't it too bad for her, a singer to have that issue? And especially me, I am just starting but my image will be broken already, and it will be very bad.

The days passed and she never contacted me nor answered all my messages and calls. She ignored it all. She was promoting her first album and she have some provincial tours as well. But that continued for weeks and months. Even after finishing my first movie, she never even tried to contact me.

I love her so much but I just can't leave this chance of my life just to marry her. Yes, I want to be forever with her and have kids if I may, but not now! Not just now. You understand my point, right?

Six months have already past and I already dominated some awards and my album is selling well. I am really happy that after all the hardships that we've done we got the best results.

"Ate Ca," I called as I answered her phone call. We were on our way back home.

"Kuya, I'm so sorry but I really can't contact her," she said warily. I took a deep breath and gasped my head.

"Did you go to their house in QC?"

"I asked her manager and said that she went for a trip."

"Oh, okay. Thank you so much Ate for the help," I said then bid goodbye to her.

Where are you? I'm so sorry. I love you so much.

I never slept peacefully at night even if I am so tired because all I can think about is her and her welfare. She did not even attend some special gathering and awards. She won an award for her supporting character on her first movie but she did not even show up.

I slumped my body at my bed and sighed. I looked at the ceiling and think deeply if where did she go, or is she hiding from me. Does she really hate me that much because I can't marry her now? Girls will always be girls. Why can't she wait? Does she really want to forget me and find another man who can marry her and give her what she wants?

"James! James! James!" Bret banged my door while asking me to come with him.

"I'm tired Bret," I said and turned my back to him.

Where did you go? Let's talk so you'll understand why I still don't want to get married and I'll know why do you want to get married.

"Your girlfriend is on news," as he said that, I ran towards the living room and watched the flashing news on the screen.

"Viva Entertainment confirms for the rumors that .................. is on hiatus. The company didn't give the full message if why did the hard-working actress decided to go on hiatus."

And after that, I never had the chance to see her for a year.

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