Chapter 15

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Sorry late update. Naiinis na kasi talaga ako sa character ni Nadine eh. lol

Minutes after James left the hospital room to unwind. He was about to go back when the doctor who check on Sebbie called him.

"Everything is okay now, Mr. Reid. Everything is fine now, he will be discharge today," she said. She was smiling to him. He looked at the doctor and think that she's just on her thirties. She looked younger compared to the other doctors he met.

"No further examinations?" he inquired. He just wanted to be sure that his son is okay and safe now. He doesn't want to be back here with his son not feeling okay. And also, he doesn't want to fight with Nadine again, blaming him for being an irresponsible father.

She doesn't know anything but why does she kept on blaming him. That's what always James thought to himself. He knew this is not just about that he was the one who took care of the kids while she's away. He knows she has reason with her that's why she hated him.

The doctor smiled to him. "No, sir. Everything's fine," she assured him and left him with another smile. It's natural for him to see everyone smiling to him. He wasn't covering his face. He was walking confidently at the hospital's hallway enroute to his son's room. Everyone knows that he's here because his son was rushed here, so why hide? The more he hides the more everyone will suspect him.

He went to the cashier to get their bill and pay. He got the number 285 and noticed that they were still serving number 254. He sighed. It's better for him to keep his self away for a while to the room. A lady approached him and smiled.

"James, you want to trade number with me?" she showed him her number, and that was 259—five numbers away—he looked at his number then looked at the lady. "It's just five numbers apart but you could still wait, right?"

He smiled to the woman and thought for a while looking at his number again. If she didn't approached him, he will wait for thirty more numbers to pass before him and he realized that maybe the girl were also waiting for almost thirty minutes or an hour just to get her number be called.

"No, it's fine. I can wait. Just keep it. You were waiting for a long time just to be called, so no. it would be unfair to everyone who was sitting there for a long time."

"But ~"

"No, it's fine really. Just keep it. I'm not on a hurry anyway," he said. Yes, he's not in a hurry. In fact he's wishing that the time will prolong so when he get back to the room, maybe everyone there already went away and the only left is his family.

"Okay, but can I take a picture with you?" James smiled at her attempt but gave in anyway. Actually, he likes people or fans that approach him nicely. He wished that all of the fans were like them.

He checked on the time and he's just ten numbers away. Bret informed him that the girls already packed up and left and said that they were sorry for not sparing time to say goodbye to him. He somehow imagined that they did not exist inside the room like how they imagined that he is not present inside.

To: Bret

How about the guy?

Yeah, talking about that guy. James also wished that he went together with those girls. James' not mad to him. He just can't explain the irritation he felt towards him. That feeling that he just wanted to punch him without any reasonable reason to say. James just doesn't want him around but, he can't do anything about it.

From: Bret

He passed away. As you wish.

He laughed at his phone nonchalantly, ignoring the eyes that crowded him after hearing his laugh. His dude is making him feel good. That laugh was the first time of the day. He didn't thought he could laugh today since today seems so gloomy, lonely and desolation. Imagining that he might not see the twins again was the first one that really breaks his heart.

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