Chapter 11

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"Well, hello people!" Henz greeted once he stepped inside Casa Reid.

It was now called as Casa Reid and not James' place anymore since he already have companions inside the house.

"Uncle!" Sebbie stood up and clapped his hands while receiving a gift from the visitors. It was a Ben10 robot.

"Uncle Jude!" Ollie giggled once the elder stepped in and kissed her.

"Well, hello pretty girl," Jude greeted her and gave her a box of arts materials including drawing book and crayons.

They went into the living room and placed all the food that they brought. This is like an ordinary day to them. S+Gs invading James' house and watched football while drinking and eating. His concert was a total achievement since it was sold out and the dome was filled with his loving Reiders.

The twins were sitting at the kitchen stool while being busy with their new toys that was given by their Uncles. The little boy was busy playing with Ben10 and Optimus Prime while Ollie was coloring her princesses.

"What do you want to eat, kiddos?" their Uncle Jude asked them. He was preparing his ingredients for his Spaghetti requested by James.

The four guys were focused on the wide monitor hanged above the artificial fireplace.

"Whoah! Whoah! You see that? Huh? Huh?" Bret stood up while spreading his arms and boasted.

"Shut up, Bretty Boy. It was caught by the goal keeper so sit down," Henz scolded him and he just sat back and shut up because of embarrassment.

"You're Team Brazil won't win over the Espanya," a deep voice said and it was from the handsome Jack who sipped his can of beer and got a handful of chips on his hand. He usually doesn't come over with these guys because he said they were so noisy and messy.

Speaking of messy, "Hey, hey! Don't put your feet above the table!" James admonished Henz's action. "The foodswere at the table and you're mixing up your dirt on it," he added. "You know, if the monster will see you, you both will surely fight," James whispered to Henz while giving him a side glimpse at Ollie then he snickered.

"Okay, okay. You know Bro, your daughter is really grumpy and meticulous. I know he got that from you," he scorned to James and put his feet down and sat properly. Andrei and Jack just laughed at them.

"Aba!" Bret shouted as he cheered at his bias team on the football match. "Place your bet Henz, your team is on the verge of losing!"

"GOAL!" Jack said as he stood up and spread his arms like he was the one who scored at the game.

The four boys, excluding Bret were rejoicing at the performance of their team while the guy was consoling his self at the couch.

"Creamy spaghetti for the cheerleaders!" Jude came and placed the plate above the table.

"This is delicious!" Ollie said with enthusiasm. "Uncle Jude! Please teach James how to cook like this kind of food!" she shouted at the kitchen since she's 5 meters away from the living room which is booming with the loud speakers of television plus the yelling of the four men.

"Hey, aren't I cooking you delicious food? You said you like my cooking's," James said and threw the empty cans of beers and plastic of the chips. "Aren't you interested in watching football?"

"Nope, just enjoy yourself there for the meantime because we'll just gonna watch later," he replied and got a fork of spaghetti.

"Oh, I'm done with Belle," she said and raised her coloring book. "Can you please put me down? I'm gonna show Uncle Jack my work," she asked to James.

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