Chapter 2

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I was taking a bath after going home from my tour in Mall of Asia earlier for the fan-signing event. I'm really tired and exhausted from the chaos of the fans in the mall. Some fainted, some cried and some flirts but I'm used to it, so it's okay. I also went to Viva's dance studio to rehearse and to see my brother whose crazily in love with his daughter. Her name is Blair. Oh, I really like that kid. She's smart and cute. I wish that I'll have a kid someday, not now, not tomorrow, because I still have album to produce and kid will just an annoyance in everything. I James Reid. A multimedia superstar and music producer.


Oh. I think it was just some girl scouts selling their fortune cookie.


But it was evening already. Maybe some fans leaving their gifts.


Who the hell is that?! Don't they know that James Reid needs a peace and sleep too?


"HEY!" I shouted inside the bathroom.


"Okay. Okay. I'll go out now! What the hell. You're disturbing my bath time!" I shouted and pullout my bathrobe. I wiped my hair so the water won't drip to the floor.

I went out to my bedroom and lead to the front porch to punch whoever the hell who's raping my doorbell.

1, 2, 3

"Are you deaf or what? I've ringing this feel for several times but you won't open it!" a girl, small girl said to me while crossing her arms. She was just as tall as my dining table inside. Her right brow was raising and she was looking at me indecently.

"Kid. I think you're on the wrong door. And don't you know me? I am JAMES REID and I need a rest so go away now," I said to her and her brother I think, who was standing beside her tugged her sleeve while he was looking down.

"I'm Ollie and this dork beside me is Sebbie. We're from your sperm cells that ovulated inside our mom's womb, five years ago," she said while looking at me. She was holding her stroller bag at her left hand and her other hand was holding the hand of the other boy.


"Don't you have any contact number there? So I can call your mom and send you home? You're on the wrong path kiddos and I also need a rest. Siguro isa sa mga baliw na baliw sakin yung Nanay mo ano? I will give her autographs and albums just call her and take you here away," I said. I let them enter my house first so that no fans can see me yelling at the kids.

"We are not on the wrong path JAMES REID. We are your kids," she repeated. I sighed again and looked at them.

The boy seems so shy and he was just looking down from the whole time while the girl was furiously looking at me like she wants to murder me anytime. Do you know that doll Chuckie? Yeah, she kinda looked like that while staring at me. The girl seems fearless while the boy was depending his strength to the girl.

"Hey. Try to look at your dad, dork," the girl said while elbowing the boy.

"I saw him already," he uttered but still looking down while playing his fingers.

"Hey kids, how old are you?" I asked. I was pacing back and forth in front of them from the stress that they brought plus I'm tired and I badly want to sleep now.

"We're five years old," the girl said.

"Five? Effin' five?" I repeated and grasped my forehead.

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