Chapter 10

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"Please read us a bedtime story, James," Sebbie asked him after making them changed into their pajamas.

James looked at the twins' horror for he doesn't know anything about bedtime stories. He hasn't done any. He barely knows what stories have he read before. It was a very long time ago when he read stories but the stories he was reading was about mystery and BDSM. How could he tell the kids by those stories?

"I'm afraid I can't do that," he replied to the boy who was ready to lay down at the king size bed of James.

"Why would you be afraid? Don't you know how to read like us?" he nonchalantly asked his father. The man smiled by his innocence and patted his head. "After the summer class, Mommy told us that we will already go to pre-school. Isn't it amazing, James? I will learn how to read then I won't bother to ask anyone to read for me."

"School is cool, James. You will learn almost everything from school if you will study hard," he said awkwardly.

"Then why don't you read us bedtime stories, James? Here. Please read us that," Ollie jumped on the bed and covered herself by the comforter.

Cinderella. This is so cheesy. James thought after reading the title of the book Ollie handed him.

"Please, James?" the little girl pleaded and all that James could do is sigh and nod to her. He doesn't want to see Ollie freaking out saying 'RRREEEEEAAAADDDD' at bedtime. He might not be able to go to his wished slumber seeing his daughter turning into monster because he didn't comply with what she wants.

"Once upon a time," as always a fairytale always started by these lines. Although this story was already read a hundred times by their mother, they still feel fascinated not because of the story that they memorized but because their wish that if ever they meet their Dad, they will make him read them a bedtime stories until they fall asleep together.

It was James' first time again. He already has done many first times ever since Ollie and Sebbie came to his life. First time letting kids stay with him in his house. First time taking kids into classes. First time eating on fast foods ever since his name boomed on television. First time crying because of a child and etsetera first times including reading bedtime stories now.

He now felt sleepy because of the silence seeing his kids were now fast asleep. He kissed the twins forehead and still continued reading.

Ollie rose from bed to pee when she noticed that something's heavy was laid into the side of her tummy.

She rolled her eyes but then smiled seeing James was asleep beside her. After going to the bathroom, she reached for her phone and took a picture of the father and son then sends it to her Aunt. She smiled and took a selfie with the sleepy heads then hid her phone again at her.

James was looking for her phone before because he was so hopeless and he really wanted to give the kids to their Mom because he thought that the kids are really a burden for him. He was busy also and raising up the twins gives him more responsibility. He can't even take care of himself, how is he supposed to take care of the two 5 year-old kids? But Ollie told him that she lost her phone so James will not contact her Mom and take them away, unknowing that their Mom didn't know anything about what is happening to the two of them. She will surely get angry at them if she'll found out that they were on James' custody.

She lay back between the two boys and closed her eyes happily because the two boys whom she loves were sleeping beside her.

The sun was rising as James did. He found himself hugged by Ollie while sleeping. He smiled and gave his children a morning kiss then went out of the bedroom and washed his face.

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