Chapter 12

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Sorry for the late update :(

They said, that 'It's hard to let go of someone who are not bound to be yours' but then I say, 'It's hard to let go of someone you know that is yours but you chose to let them go and prepare for something bigger.'

It's only for three days, James. Don't overreact. - said my subconscious mind.

Yeah, right. Three days. I just let them stay for three days at my sister's house because I will prepare for the biggest party of the year. Isn't it too much introduction?

I am now at my house after leaving the twins immediately at Lauren's because I can't help but to laugh at the weeping faces of the twins asking me not to leave them and they will be good now. Well, they're already good and what I am doing is for their own good too.

"Okay, James. So what's with the drama earlier?" Jude asked. I invited them here since I want to have a pre-celebration of me, being a 'DADDY' and of course to say farewell to my old self.

"I'm a great actor, right? I was just too excited that I can't find any proper words to express my feelings and so I just left you there dumbfounded," I explained what happened earlier. I threw the results because that's the only way on how my body could react with my feelings. I can't jump or shout. I'm out of words... I'm... I don't know. I'm just so extremely happy.

"Yeah, right. You looked dehydrated while walking out of the room," Henz commented while having a bite of apple that he got from my refrigerator.

"I can't imagine you now, Bro. At first, when you met the twins, you were like a beast wanted to kick the kids out of your house and then you even had a fight with Bret since you wanted to get rid of them," Jude said to me. The others nodded at agreement. Oh well, people change too.

"Yes, Bro. You were like that. You almost used an over-all jumpsuit just to cover yourself so no one could recognize you tugging kids around," Bret added while pointing a fork to me.

"He also called his girlfriend his personal assistant... but what's worst was when the twins called Madison their babysitter," Andrei mashed up with their 'talking-about-me' scene as they all laughed at me. Is that how weird I am while I was with the twins?

"Before, James was all too glamorous. His audi was already overused in every appointment he have here in Manila. His fashion was trendsetter. His persona who needs to be always on private was far from the James Reid that we used to live. He was... 'I don't care what happened to the world now'," Bret described me as if I am not sitting right in front of him.

I am too, I can't recognize myself anymore. I don't go clubbing now, even smoking. I don't talk to girls anymore since I am living with a girl now. I don't take rumors seriously since I know the truth and I know myself more than them. I seldom curse because I don't want to get scolded by a five year old kid. I now understand that all things that come has a purpose and I now know how to give importance to my life because there is two people who were depending on me, looking up on me, and maybe, loving me, that's why I stopped from taking the things that aren't useful to me. They could harm me and my family.

"Things make you realize everything when it comes unexpectedly. I mean, when you are not ready. Because not knowing is knowing. So, I must say that I am more than happy now since it was confirmed that I am the father of Ollie and Sebbie," I said and took my bottle of beer. "CHEERS FOR OUR FUTURE!" I said and we clanked our beers.

"Ah, by the way Bro. How about their mom? Have you two talked already?" Henz asked me as he rested his arms on his side. I didn't pay extra attention to that matter.

How to be a Dad?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant