Chapter 20

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The sun is hiding its bright from the sky above, I am so aware the feelings that it gives me, the feelings that I've been waiting for to come, and the feelings that gives me another reason to live. As the cold breeze of air penetrates into my skin that it sent my hair to stand, as I inhaled the oxygen that the atmosphere provided me, I hugged myself to give a little warm to prevent myself from trembling. I was standing here in the balcony of the town house over viewing the bed of daffodils that still shines its bright yellow color even without the ray of sunshine. As I slowly close my eyes, listening to the sweet giggles that echoed from the inside, my heart literally jumped from the long, warm and soft arms that enveloped me. His head stayed on my shoulder as he whisper sweet words that made my heart skip its beat.

"If forever means being with you, Naddie... I'll cross all the boundaries just to get on your side no matter how hard the trial God will give us. I'll always choose to be with you and the twins 'cause you are my life. You make me complete," he said pulling me to face him. His brown eyes, his thin lips... everything about him is perfect, even the love I feel when I'm with him... it's just too perfect. "I love you and always I will..."

I smiled... The most heart melting and lightest smile I show with no enforce. I am preparing myself to hug and kiss him after I mention these words I was about to say. That ... "I love—"

It was 6 pm yet Nadine was still having her sweet slumber comfortably at James' bed. No one dared to wake her up since everybody likes what's happening now, even James. He's afraid that the gentle, sleeping Naddie will woke up and be that Nadine again who hated him most. It was scary and heartbreaking at the same time.

Her phone kept on vibrating but it didn't wake her up. She was just enjoying the cozy feeling that James' bed is giving her as she switches to different sleeping position. James thought that she must be really tired and that's also the reason why he won't wake her up because he's the vulture who put her in that situation cruelly.

The twins were already seated on the dining table to have dinner by James' culinary skills. As they were waiting, you couldn't deny the happiness that their face was giving for this was the first time their Mom would be having dinner with them though Nadine was still not awake. They didn't know that their parents were not civil with each other but they understand that the two were separated. It was really difficult for them to cope up to an incomplete environment. And thinking that their Mom is here makes them feel more than happy.

"Hey!" Ollie cried out when Sebbie accidentally dropped a bead of ketchup on her skirt.

"Sorry," though it was partly premeditated, he still said his apologies while chuckling.

"No," she said po-faced and squeezed the ketchup on Sebbie's shirt.

James immediately stood up to stop the two when both of the kids squeezed the ketchup on his face.

Though shocked and pissed off by disrespecting the dinner time, taking his revenge for their naughtiness, he cleaned his face using his hands and wiped the remnants on the twins face. The two squirmed and chase their father to avenge their selves. They continued playing with the ketchup as their faces and shirts were all red, sticky and stinky. Their giggles and laughter echoed in the entire house that the sleeping queen woke it up.

Nadine immediately got up and slapped herself. It was a nightmare. Complete nightmare that it scares her off in a way that-that dream won't happen, that-that would remain a dream. It was nostalgic, such a wistful memoir with full of regrets.

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