Meeting The King and Queen

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Natasha felt her throat constrict because of stress, making it hard for her to breathe. She was standing here, lying to every royal person in this room, her mate, and his parents who are the rulers over everyone else. Her grip on his hand tightened. So much that he glanced over at her. His head dipped so his mouth was closer to her ear. "Are you alright. You're looking a little flushed" he asked her concerned.

"Fine" she responded and put on a fake smile. So many things were running through her head right now. Like what if his parents didn't like her? What if Emen found out the truth? What if his parents found out the truth? What was going to happen with her sister? She closed her eyes for a moment. She just wished that she was back at home, even though that would mean that she'd be with her wretched mother. She reopened her eyes as the clapping died down. She noticed that Emen was looking at her. Well, it didn't seem like he believed that lie. She also noticed that the King and Queen were on their way up the stage. The Queen made it to them first.

"Oh this is a wonderful, magnificent day! We all really were starting to wonder if my sweet son would find a mate at all and here you are. Such a beautiful young girl. A Princess to match. We will just have to meet your family as well. Won't we? Did they come with you" The Queen asked her with a huge smile on her face. She could tell that his mother was very excited to know that her son has finally found a mate. The Queen seemed like a very sweet woman.

"No. They didn't come with me. My mother is at home with my sister. My father is dead" Natasha told them and tried to not make it seem like her fathers death was all that big of a deal.

"Oh. That is just terrible. I'm sure we'll meet you mother and sister soon though. I'm sure you'll be sticking around so we'll have to have a one on one chat very soon. Okay" the Queen asked her.

"Of course your majesty" Natasha smiled back and curtsied.

"Nope. None of that. You are my sons mate. You have no need to curtsy or call me majesty. Linda will do" Linda smiled at her. "Oh! I almost forgot. This is my husband John" she smiled at him. You could see the adoration in her eyes. The King looked at her and gave her a soft smile.

"It is a pleasure meeting you Natasha. I look forward to getting to know you" he told her. "You may call me John as well" he told her after a small nudge from his wife. He seemed a little less enthusiastic, but very kind.

"It is really nice to meet the both of you" Natasha told them sincerely.

"Well, we best be going. We should give the two of you some space" Linda said dragging John away.

"Your parents are very lovely people. Your mother is very energetic and sweet" Natasha commented as they walked away. She turned to Emen who was looking at her. "What" she asked him.

"You didn't tell me that you had a mother. I thought that when you said that you'd have to bring your sister that the two of you didn't have anyone else" emen told her confused.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't just assume things. I never wanted my mother to come, because she is a terrible woman. That's why I need to bring my sister. So that she isn't in my mothers hold" Natasha told him and kept her eyes averted from him. She felt his hand under his chin and felt her head being tilted back so that her eyes would meet his.

"Did she ever hurt you" he asked her. His voice sounded so cold. This was the most serious she had ever heard him since she met him.

"No. Not physically anyway" she told him with a shrug, like it was no big deal.

"But she's hurt you other ways" he asked her, still serious.

"I mean. Saying rude things about me or my sister and just put down sort of things. Nothing too big. I deal with it, but I don't want Bella to have that happen to her" Natasha told him. She didn't bring up the fact that her mother was going to sell her sister and herself if she couldn't find someone to marry her and take in her sister.

"You better hope that I don't see your mother. I will tell her how I feel about her" Emen told her. She could see some rage building in his eyes. She was glad that she hadn't told him anything more, because she was sure that he'd be really angry then.

"I never want you to meet my mom anyways. Bella is a little sweet heart though" Natasha smiled at the thought of her sister.

"How old is she" he asked with a smile at the change of subjects.

"She's thirteen. Such a beautiful young girl too" Natasha sighed to herself as she imagined her sister standing there with them.

"We can leave to go get her tomorrow if you'd like" Emen told her. She couldn't let him see their home. He would figure everything out.

"I think it would be best if I were to just go"Natasha told him.

"And let something happen to you? I don't think so" Emen told her.

Natasha sighed to herself and just nodded her agreement. She'd figure something out. If anything she could just tell him on the way the entire truth. Emen pulled on her hand as he walked. She didn't know where he was going until they reached the middle of the dance floor. She felt one hand go to her waist as the other stayed in her hand. She put her other hand on his shoulder and they gracefully glided across the ballroom. She just stared at his face the entire time they danced with a huge smile on her face. This is one of the first times that she was truly happy in a very long time. The song ended earlier than she wanted it to. "I told you I'd get the last dance with you" Emen whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek. She felt a blush rise and swell over her cheeks. He started walking and she followed. Everyone was leaving and she assumed that she'd be staying in some guest house or something. She noticed that Linda and John had appeared out of no where.

"So, you looked like such a lovely couple out on the dance floor" Linda smiled at her.

"Thank you" Natasha and Emen said at the very same time.

"So, I believe that Emen will be showing you where you will be staying" John told her.

"I want to have the chat tomorrow with you Natasha" Linda told her.

"Mother. We'll be going to go get her sister tomorrow so that she can stay with us" Emen cut in.

"It will only take but a moment Emen" Linda told her. Natasha could tell that Emen didn't like the idea of his mother side tracking her, but she didn't want to be rude. Especially to the Queen.

"So I will see you both tomorrow then. Good night" Natasha told them. They all said their good nights and Emen showed her where her room would be. Which was up two flights of stairs and down a hall.

"So, my room is right across from yours. There should be something to sleep in, in your room. If you'd like a bath or something, there is a bathroom in there. Other than that, I think I'll see you in the morning" Emen told her with a smile.

Natasha smiled back at him. "Thank you so very much. I'll see you tomorrow then" Natasha told him. She smiled one last time at him before turning to the door. She had just put her hand on the handle before she was turned back around and pushed against the door. She looked up to see Emen's body pressing against hers. His head was leaning closer and closer to her as his one hand found her waist and the other hand found the back of her neck. She watched as his head dipped down and she closed her eyes as she felt his lips softly brush against hers. Suddenly the feeling of his lips and body were gone. She opened her eyes to see him opening his own door.

"Good night" Emen winked at her before going into his room and closing the door. Her mouth was slightly open as she stared at his door. That was it? That was the kind of kisses he gave out? She went into her room and closed the door, leaning back against it. She sighed and closed her eyes. That was her first kiss and even though it was short and barely even a kiss, it was perfect.

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