Showing You Care

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"-up. You can do it" Natasha heard a familiar voice say to her. All she could see was black. Her eye lids were too heavy for her to actually open them. The voice was comforting and she felt like the person was very close to her. "Baby. Please don't leave me. I need you. I just found you and I need you so much. Open your eyes" the voice told her. The voice was gentle, loving, and firm. She wanted to open her eyes so she could see who the beautiful voice belonged to, but she couldn't get her body to do what her mind was telling her to. She felt her body being picked up. She was on her stomach and something soft was underneath her. She was bent over something. She couldn't be too sure what. She whimpered at the pain that hit her. Pain from all over. Pain from her head, her ribs, and her shoulder. She was pretty sure that she hit just about every part of her body when she had hit the ground.

A small growl came from close by. It was right beneath her. A wolf. Was she being carried by a wolf? Well, her sense of smell told her yes. She breathed in the scent a little more. It was comforting. Natasha suddenly remembered the train ride and all that had gone on. Seeing the Duke again, the two wolves fighting, her flying off of the train. Now she was here and in so much pain. She figured out that it must be Emen and he must be in his wolf form.Had he jumped off of the train? He was apparently carrying her, but to where? They were pretty much in the middle of no where for at least two hours walking both ways. He wouldn't be able to carry her all that way. She ran her fingers through his fur gently, careful not to move too much so that she didn't hurt the rest of her body. Her eye lids were already heavy, but they felt even more heavy. All she wanted to do was sleep. So she whispered "Thank you" right before she slipped back into the darkness.

Natasha could feel herself waking up slowly. She was becoming aware of everything around her. The smell of the room was kind of like a hospital. It was a mix of too clean air, the smell of medicine, and the smell of werewolves. She could hear a beeping sound that would beep every few seconds. She could hear someone quietly snoring not too far away. She felt something in her arm, but wasn't too sure what. She slowly began to open her eyes to look at her surroundings. The room was dim so at least the bright lights wouldn't hurt her eyes. She was in a room that looked kind of like a hospital room. She was laying on a white bed and there were tubes in her arms. She looked at them confused. Why would she need those? She had only probably been here for a few hours at the most and it's not like she was that bad off. Maybe just a broken collar bone or rib, but nothing too serious. She gazed around the room and found the source of the snoring. In a chair that was in the corner was Emen. He was slouching with his legs spread wide apart, his mouth slightly open, and his hair really messy. She found this pretty attractive, even his snoring.

"Emen" Natasha tried to say, but her voice was scratchy and quiet. She tried again, but someone touched her shoulder and made her jump. She looked to the side to see the Queen. Natasha was surprised that she could get here in just a few hours. "What are you doing here" Natasha asked her confused.

"Well, my son called me and told me everything that happened. I tried to convince him to bring you to our home, but he said it would be too dangerous in your condition. He told me that he'd stay here with you and he wouldn't leave this room at all until you were awake. He hasn't left except to go to the bathroom for the past four weeks. Bless his heart. He is such a sweet and caring young man" Linda said. "That's why I'm here. I needed to make sure my son ate and still got his rest. I'm sure he wouldn't have if I hadn't come. Plus, I wanted to make sure that you were alright" Linda told her with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes.Natasha looked at her strangely.

"What do you mean he's been here for four weeks? I just got here" she tried to think of how long she had actually been here "A couple of hours ago" Natasha tried to explain to her, but the Queen shook her head with a sad smile.

"Natasha honey" she said taking ahold of her hand. "You got pushed off of the train and you got beat up pretty badly. You hit your head and you got a concussion. You ended up falling into a coma on the way here. Emen tried to carry you as fast as possible, but he knew that you were in a lot of pain and he didn't want to make it worse" the Queen told her. Natasha looked at her confused. She had just thought that it was just a figment of her own imagination. That she had just made it up in her own mind. "You're a werewolf so you healed within the first week, but you just didn't wake up. You scared Emen pretty badly I can say that. He was running around yelling at different doctors and nurses telling them to take care of you. He made sure that you were their top priority. I can say that the threats he told them weren't exactly polite, but I sort of understand him. He is his fathers son after all "Linda smiled a bit.

Natasha gazed back over at Emen. He was so adorable. The things that she had just told her ran around in her head. He was showing how much he cared. After all that she had put him through. "I think it's best if I wake him up now. I'm sure that he'll be quite angry that I hadn't woken him up just as soon as you had" Linda laughed a little. She walked over and lightly shook Emen's shoulder. He immediately sat up straight and his eyes opened quickly. His eyes found hers and he stood up and went to her side in an instant. He took hold of her hand and started to kiss it.

"I can't believe you're awake. I thought I would lose you" he whispered. His voice was hoarse. Almost as hoarse as her own. His was much more attractive though.

"I can't believe that you stayed here the entire time" Natasha whispered. Her throat was so scratchy and uncomfortable. Emen got her a cup of water and helped hold her up so that she could take a few sips before letting her back down.

"Of course I stayed her. What kind of mate would I be if I just left you when you were hurt" emen asked her.

"Well, I'm not the best mate for lying to you this whole time" Natasha told him ashamed of herself. She turned her head so that she was looking out the window and not at him, but he cupped her chin in his hand and turned her head back to looking at him.

"I haven't known you long, but I can see that you either really regret it or didn't want to in the first place. Just tell me the truth" emen told her. Natasha took a deep breathe. This is what she needed to do. She was sure that he'd understand. He seemed to be very understanding at the moment. She just hoped that this would end better than what she had originally thought.

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