Chapter 5

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Audrey's POV

"Besides the shit show that was lunch today, how are you adjusting to life in our little town?" Cole continued with our surprisingly comfortable small talk we washed and dried the last of our dinner dishes.

True to his word, Cole didn't bring up my past or pry into things I didn't feel comfortable talking about. Conversation flowed without tension throughout our pleasant meal together. My wolf was relaxed and without really noticing when, I had begun to enjoy our time together.

"It's been an easy transition. I'm used to living in the west so the lack of rain doesn't really bother me." Once the dish I was holding was dry, Cole pointed to the cabinet that it belonged in. "It's quaintly adorable how small the town seems to be. How much of the town actually belongs to your pack?"

"The Dusk Valley pack." He rattled off his pack's name with pride. "We make up the majority of the town, about 200 members give or take. There are a few humans that have settled into the town by choice but they tend to keep to themselves." His pack sounded a lot like the one I had left when I was 14.

"You seem proud of your people." Putting the last dish away, I dried my hands with the towel I was holding and leaned against the counter behind me. "When did you take over as alpha?"

"My father handed it down to me about a year ago. He had been having problems with non-peaceful rogues and other raiders for years, ever since I could remember. when my father eventually found the peace, he was tired. I took to the role naturally, so when he decided he was ready to retire, if you will, I stepped up without hesitation." Cole settled into one of the dining chairs, still sipping on his glass of water from dinner.

"From the little that I've seen, it seems like your pack respects you." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Not all alphas are so kind."

A low growl immediately emitted from Cole's chest. "Was your last alpha - "

"No, no. Nothing like that." I stopped him, shaking my head. "But I've seen many things in my years of moving around. You're good to your pack." I added the last part softly.

There were a few moments of comfortable silence.

"Can I ask you something?" Cole asked before he went forth with his question, almost like asking permission for my honesty. I just nodded.

"Do you want a mate?" The question stunned me.

I dropped my crossed arms and my eyes traveled anywhere but to his face that held a surprising amount of vulnerability.

Did I want him?

My heart told me yes. I suddenly yearned for the safety and security of his arms.

When it came down to it, it wasn't about what I wanted. It was about survival and protecting the people that I cared about. Including my mate.

"It's just not that simple."

"But it can be." His response was immediate, as if he expected that kind of answer from me. He slowly rose from his seat, keeping his hands on the table behind it. He moved as if moving to quickly would startle me. Once he stood, my eyes clashed with his. "Fear is no reason to not give love a chance."


Tears beginning to prick behind my eyes forced me to look away. The truth wanted to break free from my lips.

Cole attempted to take a step forward as I spoke, "It's not safe for-" but before I could get my sentence out his hand that was planted on the table moved and knocked over the wine glass. The water spilled everywhere, including all down the bottom of Cole's shirt and down the side of his jeans.

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