Silver Blade

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The story is being re-edited and changed. This chapter has not been re-edited yet and does not fit the story line of the previous chapters. 

Don't read this chapter until it has been re-edited to fit the previous chapters. 

Titles will be changed to  say "Chapter #- Edited" once they have been edited and fit the story. 

If you are in the middle of reading the story, you can finish reading it but it is being changed and redone to be very different. If you would rather start over and read the new version, it is being updated regularly.


Unknown POV

"That wasn't our deal!" He yelled at me as I rubbed my temples in aggravation. I sat back in my desk chair and sighed, looking him up and down, accessing the damage I could make if things went south. I looked down at the silver knife I was spinning in between my fingers and back up at him.

He was standing in front of my desk, just a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest as he took deep breaths trying to calm himself. My two muscle men, bodyguards I guess, we're standing on either side of my rather large desk, ready to step in if things got violent. My second in command was Neo, the guard to my right. The guard to my left was Eric, my third in command. Me being the Alpha of the pack, my right hand men were supposed to help protect me against threats so the pack never lost its Alpha, but it wasn't like I needed it.

My anger from him failing to do what I'd asked of him got the better of me and I quickly threw the knife, planting it snugly into his right shoulder, making him cry out and stumble back a few steps. I quickly stood and raised my voice, my alpha tone leaking through.

"Our deal.. was that you do as I tell you or you face me and my pack for the consequences that follow." I paused, thinking about my next words carefully. "You will do as I have ordered or I will change my mind about how all this will end with you mate. Do we understand each other?" I asked, letting my threat soak in.

"Now.. Can we come to an agreement or will this have to get messy?" I asked as he growled lowly at me. I know threatening a man's mate is low but I needed this job done now and he needed to be the one to do it.

"If you even dare touch my mate, I swear-" he started before I held my hand up, stopping him.

"I really don't want to hear it right now. I already gave you a chance and you failed me, losing one of my best men in the process. Now I'm giving you one last chance. Don't make me change my mind." I said slowly sitting down and putting my elbows up on the desk.

He didn't say anything as he grimaced, slowly pulling the knife from his bloody shoulder. My men stepped forward, ready to stop him if he used the knife as a weapon, but he slowly stepped forward and tossed it onto my desk, stepping back again. He rolled his shoulder as it already began to heal because of his wolf.

"It will be done." He said before he turned to leave.

"And boy.." I said making him stop but he didn't turn to look at me. "Don't screw up this time, or it will be your last." I said and he continued out the door without another word.

"Alpha," Neo said stepping in front if my desk to speak. "Don't you think that was just a bit harsh? I mean, threatening a man's mate like that." He said with a smirk, linking his hands behind his back.

"Maybe, but I need this job done. It's been too long already." I said pulling out a small towel and cleaning off my knife as Eric stepped up and laced his hands behind his back to mimic Neo's.

Beauty and the Rogue (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now