Chapter 6

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Audrey's POV

Last night before he had dropped me off at my place, Cole all but decided for me that he was going to give me rides to school from now on. I was 5'3" but nevertheless, his reasoning being that my legs were "too little to have to carry me everywhere", whatever that means. Regardless, it would be nice to not have to leave for school so early.

"Good morning little one." Cole greeted me as I climbed into the passenger seat of his Hummer.

"Little one?" I responsed with an eyebrow raised, not sure how to feel about the nickname.

"Well yeah," he pulled back out of the driveway and we made our way towards the school. "You're little, obviously, and you're the one for me. So little one." He seemed proud of his logic, and my ears caught onto the fact that he said that I was the one for him.

I could get used to the fact that it took less than 5 minutes to drive to school, stupid automobiles. Pulling into his parking space, Collin and Sarah were getting out of their mustang two spaces over from us.

"Audrey!" Sarah greeted me with a huge smile, per usual. "It's so nice to see you getting around town 21st century style. Could you not have picked a classier ride?" She threw playfully at me, sending Cole a wink.

I couldn't help but return her friendly smile. "I don't guess I had much of a choice. They were practically throwing out free rides in this thing." Gabbing my thumb back towards Cole's hummer and sending a sideways smirk his way.

Once in class together, Cole decided to stay with me through the day and he gently took the seat next to me.

During free period Cole and I hung out with Sarah and Collin again. "So Audrey, Collins and I were gonna catch movie tonight around 8. Do you guys want to tag along?" she asked as she hugged Collin, kissing his cheek.

"Um.." I hesitated, looking over to see Cole waiting patiently for me to answer. Maybe I could use the distraction.

"Yeah." I shrugged, looking back to Sarah. "Why not?"


Lunch was almost the same as free period. We hung out with Sarah and Collins, simply talking about this and that for most of the period. When school finally ended Cole drove me home again and walked me inside.

"We don't have to go to that movie with Sarah and Collin if you're not comfortable with them. I could just make up an excuse for us." Cole said as we walked in, closing the front door behind him.

"It's not that I'm not comfortable around them. It's just.."

"Just what?" Cole urged me, walking over to stand in front of me in the living room. "You know you can tell me anything, Audrey."

"It's just been a long time since I did things with other people." I explained, looking down at my feet. Cole just chuckled, making me look up at him.

"We don't have to go." He repeated, brushing back a piece of my hair that had fallen from behind my ear.

"No." I said swallowing my pride. "I want to go. I need to get out." I said strongly, lifting my chin to stand straighter.



We made our way into town a little early to talk before the movie, getting there around 7:30 while the movie didn't start until 8.

"So," Cole said trying to make conversation. "Did Sarah tell you what we were going to see tonight?"

"No, I didn't ask." I stated, looking out the window of his car. "I don't know any movies that are out right now anyway though." I gave a soft laugh.

"It's alright. I just hope, for me and Collins sake, that it's not a chick flick." Cole joked as I smiled over at him.

Throughout the day, I found it getting easier to relax around him. I had even begun to joke around and be sarcastic with him. I enjoyed it.

As I looked out the window again, I swear my heart stopped dead in my chest and my breathe froze. I could see him looking for me, I could tell he wasn't alone either. He had his little Hunters with him, since apparently he couldn't hold up a fight himself so he sent his dogs to do his dirty work.

"Audrey?" Cole asked watching me intently trying to follow my gaze to what ever I was looking at.

"C-Can we go?" I asked trying to keep myself calm. I had Cole, he would protect me, right?

"Why? What's wrong?" he asked me still looking out my window.

"Please, can we just leave?" I pleaded quickly. He slowly nodded his head and turned on the car, putting it in reverse. Just as I thought I had gotten past the man's gaze, his eyes locked with mine and I involuntarily let out a small sound of fear from my throat.

"Audrey, what wrong?" Cole asked grabbing my hand out of my lap and holding it in his. I couldn't speak as the man still held my gaze. Just as we were about to round the corner out of his sight me blew a kiss in my direction. I felt my grip tighten on my seat as my fear grew.

He had found me again and now I had to leave, but this time was going to be the hardest one of all. I had to leave my mate.

I had to leave Cole.

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