Chapter 12- Edited

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Cole's POV

"Don't you dare bring Joslin into this." Audrey snarled towards Kate as I found her in the school hallway the next day. 

"It's not my fault your too stupid to leave." Kate shot right back as I walked up beside Audrey, putting her hand firmly onto his hip. "Your hurting our little sister, not me. I'm just here for the show." She snarled lowly before stalking out of the front doors into the courtyard of the school.

Seconds later, Audrey dashed past me and busted through doors that Kate had just left through, tackling her and they both fell to the ground in the courtyard. When they got to the feet, they were both snarling and circling each other.

"Don't you dare tell me this is my fault!" Audrey bellowed to Kate as I ran out after the girls, pushing through the crowd that had alreadyd gathered around them. "I have nothing to do with the fact our parents don't love you. There's no reason to take that out on Joslin!" As soon as the words left Audrey's mouth Kate jumped at her but Audrey easily sidestepped and punched her to the ground, making Kate cry out in pain as she hit the ground hard.

"You stay away for Joslin." Audrey said taking backwards steps towards me and away from Kate who was now slowly getting up off the ground. 

"Then I guess you really don't want to know what mom and dad have planned for her this afternoon!" Kate yelled back making Audrey freeze in her place, breathing hard trying to control her wolf, unsuccessfully.

"Audrey, don't listen to her." I whispered to Audrey when she stopped walking, gently taking her wrist. "She just trying to push you over the edge."

"Even if they don't do anything to her, you know I will." Kate taunted one last time before Audrey snapped, whirling around in a flash to run at Kate.

"Crap." I muttered to myself, worried about the consequences that was ensue for my mate attacking a pack female.

Once Audrey got a few feet away she lunged at Kate, shifting in mid-air. I silently gasped as I marveled at her beautiful pure white wolf running at her. Kate's face immediately was painted with fear and she ran backwards, giving herself more time to shift. She managed to shift just in time but even that was too late. 

Audrey had already pummeled into her, catching the back of her wolf's neck in her canines. Audrey threw Kate over her head as she landed with a loud thump on the other side of her. At first, Kate didn't move but eventually she jumped back up and lunged at my mate again, making me growl.

Collin put his hand on my shoulder, silently telling me that my wolf wasn't meant to be in this fight. Audrey easily scrapped Kate's side with her claws making Kate whimper loudly as she jumped away. Kate lowered herself before she pounced again, apparently not learning her lesson the first time she tried attacking my mate.

Audrey's ears where pinned to the back of her head as she growled loud enough to echo through the entire forest behind them. Thankfully, the only students that attend this school are wolves from my pack, so no humans would see the two giants wolves in a death match in the high school courtyard.

Suddenly, Kate's limp body fell to the ground and Audrey's snout was covered in red. Judging by Kate's bite wounds on the back of her neck, the blood wasn't my mates. As she looked up from Kate's wolfs body her eyes locked with mine and she bolted into the woods, breaking my line of sight from her beautiful little white wolf.

"Collin." I called over to him, motioning to Kate still laying on the ground whimpering. "Will you take care of this?" Knowing that I meant making sure Kate was going to be alright, he nodded and I ran into the woods after my mate, shifting after I pulled off my shirt and jeans. I followed her wolfs sent as she ran from me and I grinned as I could tell I was slowly catching up with her.

After a few moments, I could see a small white figure in the distance, every once in a while darting behind a tree. I caught up with her as we entered a wide meadow and out of the corner of my eye saw a small deer running to find cover from us and the movement we caused in the clearing.

Suddenly, she tripped over a small patch of roots and went tumbling into the soft, green grass. I laughed to myself as I saw her huff and sit down, seeing me trotting up to her. As I trotted up to her side I nuzzled my nose up to her neck, making my wolf purr in content at the sparks that errupted between us. I had  missed the sparks my mate caused to run through my body.

A small growl erupted from my throat as I leaped and caught her by surprise sending us laying in the grass side by side. She rolled over on her stomach and laid her head on her paws. I realized that I hadn't seen her wolf before now and hummed at how our wolfs contrasted either other, with her light colored white wolf and my dark black wolf, like salt and pepper. Yin and Yang.

I moved over and laid next to her, our bodies touching, and I could feel her warmth swell my heart as I wondered how I went so long without her. I couldn't imagine my life without my little mate now.

'Hey, man' Collin called to me through the pack link, 'Kate will be fine but her parents will be pretty mad when they find out that Audrey did this. What do you want me to tell them?' he said slowly, knowing Audrey's parents wasn't the best subject to bring up with me.

'Just tell them I said they need to keep Kate under control from now on. It's her own fault this happened today. She did it to herself.' He started to cut off our link before I stopped him. 'Hey, and will you get Joslin? I don't want her anywhere near Audrey's parents.'

'Yeah, just take her to the pack house?' he asked.

'Yeah, man. Thanks' I said cutting off the link. I sighed, just trying to enjoy the beautiful day with my mate, even after all the drama we just dealt with. At least I know Audrey can stand up for herself now and my wolf relaxed a little at the thought. My little mate knew how to kick butt.

I smiled at the thought and rolled over into her more playfully. She looked back at me and huffed, almost laughing at me. She licked my neck and nuzzled her face into it as I brought my head up to hers. I heard a small purr resonate from her throat and returned the gesture as we laid together in the soft grass. After an hour or so Audrey's wolf jumped up and bent her front half down in a playful way before she darted off into the trees, wanting me to follow her.

As we flew through the trees, I led us back to the pack house in a bittersweet haste. I wanted to be able to see my beautiful mate's face again but I knew we had a lot of work ahead of us to work out what happened earlier with Audrey and her sister.  I just wanted Audrey safe and sound in the pack house away from her awful excuses of parents.

As we got there, I quietly slipped inside and got some clothes for the two of us, leaving Audrey in her wolf form waiting in the cover of the trees surrounding the pack house. Once we were both dressed, we made our way inside and found her little sister, Joslin, on the couch.

"Audrey!" Joslin jumped up from where she had been watching television to grasp onto Audrey's midsection for dear life before Audrey lowered herself down to Joslin's level. "I missed you." Joslin mumbled into her shoulder when she slung her small arms around Audrey's neck.

"I missed you more." Audrey replied, almost on the verge of tears.

"I missed you most." Joslin finished before they let go of each other and Audrey turned to me.

"Joslin, this is my mate, Cole." she introduced us with a smile. Joslin smiled at me as well and I noticed how similar they looked. Their faces were almost duplicates of each other, except their eyes were different colors and a few other minor differences I could see among their faces.

"He's cute." I heard Joslin whisper into Audrey's ear with a mischievous grin. Audrey couldn't help but laugh out loud, shooting me a playful look. 

"I know."

Beauty and the Rogue (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now