Chapter 13- Edited

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Joslin's POV

I stared at my new room as Audrey left with a smile, closing the door behind her. I couldn't believe Cole had given me my own room in the pack house, especially one this nice. The walls were painted a light blue color while the base boards and sundown frames were painted a chocolate brown, giving it a warm feeling. I was so lucky to get to live here with Audrey for a little while. I knew I wouldn't stay long because my parents would never let me but I loved it while I was here.

I couldn't believe my big sister was going to be the Alpha female either. I would love to have an Alpha as my mate. We could do what we wanted, whenever we wanted and everyone else would have to listen to us. I giggled at the thought of being in charge of a pack like Audrey.

I jumped onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling as I sighed. What did that strange man mean when he asked me all those things about Audrey the other day? I finally made up my mind that I would ask Audrey later and smiled as I called her my big sister again. After mom and dad had kicked her out a long time ago, I had missed her. We used to do everything together when I was smaller. Now, we would go everywhere together like we always used to before she had to leave. 

I heard a loud noise come from down stairs and ran out of my room, over to the stairs that looked over the main living room in the pack house to see what was going on to see my parents arguing loudly with Audrey and Cole.

"You broke her arm for goodness sakes!" My mom yelled at Audrey as she stepped towards her angrily. Cole protectively stood in front of her, separating her and my mom. I grinned as he protected her. I wanted my own mate so bad, even though I was still 12 and I knew I wouldn't find mine for a couple years, I still wanted a boy to be my knight in shinning armor like Cole is for Audrey. I wanted a prince so I could be a princess like all the girls that I read about in school. 

"It's her own fault." Audrey said calmly as my mom stepped back in fear from Cole.

"Really? She asked you to break her arm?" she asked her blood boiling.

"She might as well have! She was threatening Joslin, but I know exactly where she gets it from! You did the same thing to me so maybe I shouldn't have taken it up with her. I guess I should have broken your arm!" she said, her voice raising with anger in every word. My mom scowled at her and started yelling again.

"You should learn to control your mate." My mom at Cole who immediately grabbed her throat as soon as the words left her mouth.

"You will learn your place!" Cole snarled, tightening his grip before the old alpha, Cole's dad, came out into the living room.

"Cole." The older alpha warned. Cole released his grip and my mom fell back, her hand flying up to sooth her throat.

"Thank-" she began before the man interrupted her.

"I didn't stop him for you, Anita. I simply don't want any mess to clean up today. My wife likes this carpet. Get out before I change my mind." He said sternly.

"Not without Joslin." she said standing straight, her hand still rubbing her throat.

"Excuse me?" Audrey spoke up. "You're not taking her anywhere with you! Do you really expect us to just give her back to you after what happened today? I saw those bruises on her arm. You're not taking her anywhere." Audrey said growling lowly. I quickly pulled down my sleeves when she mentioned the bruises on my arms but smiled because my big sister was sticking up for me.

My mom stood firm as Audrey finished. Everyone stood silent for a minute before Audrey's temper broke and she let out an ear splitting snarl directed towards my parents that made me jump from the top of the stairs. They both looked so scared, they practically ran out of the pack house and quickly drove off. Audrey quickly looked up the stairs and locked her eyes with mine before I blushed, realizing she knew I was there and was listening in on the whole conversation. She only smiled and quickly looked back down to Cole and the former alpha.

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