Chapter 16- Edited

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Audrey's POV

I woke to Cole's beautiful eyes smiling down at me. I laughed a little at his smile. "What are you looking at?" I asked lifting my head off his chest to look at him.

"Just the beautiful angel in my bed." he said kissing my forehead. I smiled as I got up, remembering it was Monday.

"Come on, we're gonna be late for school, Mr. Alpha." I joked walking into the bathroom. As I looked into the mirror I moaned. I looked awful, what was he talking about beautiful angel? I looked more like the devil. As I straightened my hair and pulled on my jeans and shirt, I peeked out the bathroom door to see Cole still laying on the bed dozing off.

I giggled and I ran and jumped on the bed, easily putting my weight on his rock hard chest, waking him up. I groaned and put his hands up in defeat. "Ok, I'm up, I'm up." he said getting himself dressed. I nodded my head in triumph and went down stairs to make breakfast after placing a light kiss on Cole's cheek.

As I walked down stairs I already smelled bacon and eggs cooking. I slowly peeked in to find Cole's mom humming and flipping the bacon. "Hello." She sang, hearing me come in without even turning around.

"Hi, Mrs. Bayor." I said quietly walking up to the fridge and pulling out the orange juice. Getting down glasses I heard someone walk in behind me. I turned to see Collin walking in with his hair going everywhere.

"I smelled food." he explained seeing me watch him. He laughed a little shrugging his shoulders.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked pouring the juice.

"I could ask you the same thing." he said with a mischievous smile.

"I've got Cole here, I don't see your mate anywhere."

"That's cause she's still asleep." He said with a wicked grin. I rolled my eyes and turned to help Cole's mom dish up the food.

"Thank you honey." she said with a smile. Collin sat down in a chair at the table and leaned back looking tired.

"What'd you do, stay up all night?" I joked with him.

He laughed and nodded with a wink. "Yup." he said popping the p. Moments later, Cole and Sarah walked in and Sarah hugged Collin around his neck as they smiled at each other while Cole slung his arms around me, nuzzling his face into my neck and taking a deep breath.

After breakfast we all headed to school, getting there just before the bell rang. As I sat next to Cole in 1st period I gazed out the window, day dreaming about anything and everything. Without thinking about it, my eyes caught onto a dark figure of a man standing just behind the trees starring towards the school. I squinted, trying to see it better. It looked like a man, but the figure sent an eerie feeling down my spine as the figure began to pace continuing to lurk in the cover of the trees. 

After my eyes had been locked onto the man's figure for a few minutes, Cole caught onto my uneasiness and followed my gaze to the figure at the tree line as well. I felt his unease as he noticed it, just starring at the school, almost through our window at us.

I heard Cole snarled "rouge" beside me with pure disgust in his voice. My heart sunk and I quickly turned to stare at him, my jaw dropping a little. His eyes met mine, "What?" he asked looking at the figure again.

"What did you say?" I asked still shocked he had to guts to say that, especially in front of me. He looked back at me, wincing as he realized what he said. I just shook my head, hurt because just saying the word rogue like he did sent a pang into my heart knowing that I was a rogue just a few weeks ago. As the hurt welled up in my chest I went up to the teacher for an excuse to the bathroom.

As I hurried out into the hall I heard the classroom door shut after me. "Audrey, wait." Cole shuffled behind me, grabbing my wrist turning me to face him. I yanked his grip away and exploded.

"Don't touch me!" I growled. He looked hurt but I didn't even care right now.

"Audrey, please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that." he said his face pained.

"But you did, Cole, and right in front of me. What's so bad about rouges, huh?" I asked him, my blood steaming. Did he really think that badly of rouges? He opened his mouth to protest but I didn't give him the chance.

"I really don't want to hear it. Is that really what you think of rouges? Because if I remember correctly, I was one!" I snarled. I stormed off, tears threatening to run down my cheeks.

"Audrey.. Please." I heard Cole plead, but I just kept going. "Audrey, stop." He said sternly, almost harshly. I went outside the front doors and felt a sharp pain around my wrists and I got pushed against the hard brick wall.

"You will listen to me." He growled in my face. I turned my head away from him, not meeting his harsh gaze since I couldn't move. He pinned me against the wall with my hands at my side. "I am your Alpha.. You will listen to me. I am not letting you go again. Don't you remember what happened last time you went out like this? And even with a rou-" he stopped himself, "A stranger right there?" he continued again, motioning towards the tree line where the dark figure still stood, watching us. 

I made the mistake of looking him in the eye, seeing that his eyes had turned black and I knew his wolf had surfaced. I still stood my ground though. "And I am your mate! You are not my owner and I am not your property!" I yelled back at him.

"Yes," He said looking down at his mark on my neck.  "You are my mine!" It burned on my skin, reminding me I was indeed his.

"You will not decide what I do and where I go! You will respect me as your mate and your equal. You may be Alpha, but you are still just a man. You do not decide my life for me. It's the only thing of my own." I yelled at him. I was right and I wasn't going to stand down to him being a jerk. "If you presume rouges to be as filthy as your voice implied, then I am ashamed. I was a rouge when you met me, Cole. Don't.. don't judge any rouge without knowing their reasons for becoming a rogue. I had no choice in the matter. He might not have either." I paused, making my voice softer.

"Cole.. I know you didn't mean what you said like that, but that really hurt. To think that you might think of me that way... I need room to breath." I said sternly, needing time to myself to think.

His eyes had turned back to his own and his face was beyond hurt. He looked down at his hands and quickly let go of my wrists. They were red and already starting to bruise. "Audrey, I.." He said about to apologize looking down at my wrists.

I just turned my head, not looking at him. "Just.. Go." A tear rolled down my cheek as he let out a shaky breath and went back inside the school.

I closed my eyes, just wanting the world to leave. I sunk down to the ground and sat there, tears rolling down my cheeks as I hid my face in my hands.

Finally I got up and ran off into the tree, yearning to shift into my wolf and escape from the world. John wasn't here to hurt me anymore and his pack was far too worried they'd end up the same way to attack us anymore. As I ran I pulled off my clothes and quickly shifted, dropping to all fours and continued quickly flying past the woods, the trees almost passing in a blur.

As I got to an open meadow I stopped, catching the same strangers scent from the tree line at school. I whirled to see a face I could never forget, gasping as I saw that face and knowing that he shouldn't be alive. I wanted to scream but was too surprised to make even a growl knowing I shouldn't trust him when he should be dead. He gave me a look full of pity as I began to growl at him as he stepped forward.

'He should be dead! He can't be alive!' my wolf screamed as I ran backwards away from him not being able to face another catastrophe today.

"Wait, Audrey!" He called chasing after me but I couldn't stop, I knew he would just hurt me again. I quickly spun around when he got a few feet away from me and caught his leg in my mouth, biting down into his calf and sending him to the ground. I loomed over him as he pleaded to talk with me but I only growled and snipped at his neck.

"Please, Audrey. You have to trust me."

Beauty and the Rogue (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now