Chapter 14- Edited

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Audrey's POV

"Ahh!" Sarah yelled as we met up in free period the next morning . She ran up and hugged me, making me stagger back.

"What?" I asked hugging her back, laughing at her excited mood.

"Your mark!" She yelled, making me remember the amazing night before. "Your Alpha female!" She exclaimed hugging me again. I laughed as she pulled away and I went over to the glass window so I could see it again. I smiled as I saw it, as studied it for the millionth time.

It a was dark blue, crescent moon outlined with a delicate chain. It really looked more like a tattoo but I wasn't complaining. It was really beautiful. Since I had Alpha blood now, my mark was a rich dark blue color, showing my power over the rest of the pack wolves.

I turned back to her to find her smiling at me. "It's beautiful." she said sweetly. "I just know your going to be a great Alpha female." she smiled. I felt to strong arms snake around my waist and purr into my ear. I grinned as I knew it was Cole, with the sparks radiating through me.

"Hello, my beautiful little mate." He whispered his husky voice into my ear, sending chills down my back. "How does it feel to be mated to the greatest guy in the world?" He chuckled as he asked me.

"I don't know, but I'll let you know when I met him." I joked patting his head that was resting on my shoulder from behind as he held my waist.

"So.." Collin said coming up and holding Sarah's hips. "I hear we got a new Alpha female in the pack." he smiled at me as I nodded.

"That was fast." I said surprised at how quickly news circulated through the pack.

"No, it's just you. We feel a disturbance in the force." He laughed and Sarah playfully hit him on the arm. I laughed with Cole as we all just kinda stood there. Adoring our mates.

"Wait," I said to Sarah and Collin.

"You guys are mated?" I asked.

"Yup." she said popping the P.

"You never told me that." I whined at them, laughing at the same time. I never noticed how good they were for each other.

"So, you guys are coming to the pack grill tonight, right? It's for you by the way." Collin said looking at us.

"Yeah." Cole answered.

"What pack grill?" I asked confused.

"We're having a party tonight for our new Alpha and Alpha female." Sarah smiled at us. "Yeah I guess somebody forgot to tell you." Sarah said to Cole as he rose his hands in defeat.

"My bad. I was a little distracted this morning." he said poking me. I squirmed away and protested.

"I'm not good at parties, especially with people." I whined not wanting to go. "Do we have to?"

So of course after school I went to Sarah's house so she could play dress up on me for the party. She pulled out numerous dresses, casual jeans and even skirts before I gave up on her and sat down.

"Sarah, why can't I just wear a t-shirt and jeans?" I asked. "It's a grill out, not a wedding!" I complained. She just laughed and continued looking for clothes.

"Oh!" she exclaimed running to her closet. "I've got the perfect thing!"


When I looked in the mirror, my jaw literally dropped. She had found a red dress that came up to just above my knees, some black dangling earrings, and she had even curled my hair. I really looked like a model.

"I'm not complaining at all, but.." she moaned as I began, "What happens if everyone else shows up in jeans?" I asked nervous since it was almost time to go.

"Ok, tell you what. We'll get there a little early and I'll run in to see if what's your wearing is ok. If not we'll still have time to come back and change. Ok?" she asked zipping up her own dress. She wore a long dark blue dress and white earrings, she said so that we could contrast each other.

Once we were on the road I began to get really nervous. I knew everyone was going to be looking at us when we walked in and Cole wouldn't be there to catch me when I fell on my face in these high heels.

As we pulled up to the pack house, I could already tell the place was crowded with people. "Ok, I'll be right back." I nodded and she ran in and ran right back out. "Come on!" she smiled a huge smile at me.

"I'm so excited for them to see you." She said as she hurried me along to the front door. As we opened the door I swear every head spun to look at us as we walked in. If not for the music I would have heard every cricket in the woods outside singing.

I blushed as I got smiles from everyone that was looking. Apparently, Sarah had done a pretty good job. She took my hand and led me to Collin.

"Hey baby. Where's the other baby?" she asked as we both couldn't find Cole.

"He should be done in a sec. You can go up if you want." Collin said to me, motioning to the stairs. I nodded and went to find him in his room. As I knocked on the door, I found Kate in his room instead of Cole.

"What are you doing here?" I asked venom leaking into my voice. "Aren't you supposed to be in a hospital somewhere?" I said trying to keep the snarl off my face.

"We heal fast. Remember?" she argued.

"No I mean about your head. I thought they weren't supposed to let mental people out of the hospital." I snarled.

She glared at me and I took a step into Coles room, stepping closer to rip her head off. "Your parents must be so proud of you for going through a boys room. What? They couldn't do their own dirty work anymore?" she just glared at me.

"They're your parents too." she grinned, knowing that one got on my nerves.

"They are not my parents." I said calmly. She just shook her head and smiled.

"Just cause they didn't want you doesn't mean they're not your parents." she said sitting on his bed. "Mm. I miss this bed. I used to be in it every night, I see it so rarely now." she smirked.

"As it should be. Get out." I growled. She immediately straightened and glared at me. She stood and walked over to me, standing just inches from my face.

"You think your all big and bad just cause you're the Alphas mate, but you've got no control over me." she whispered in a harsh tone.

I immediately punched her in the jaw, sending her to the floor like a little girl. I heard Cole come up behind us and turned to see him looking at Kate sprawled out on the floor.

"Cole, she punched me!" she whined as she sat there her legs too far apart for my taste.

"Kate, close your legs and get up off your butt." he said taking my hand and leading me into the hallway.

"I'm sorry she's ruining the night." he whispered tucking a loose stand of curled hair behind my ear. "You look unbelievably beautiful tonight, as always." he grinned, his lips gently meeting mine. This kiss was different than all the others. It wasn't in lust, or passion. It was just in love. When we broke apart, Kate finally came out of his room, the side of her face red from where I had hit her.

"I'm sorry I keep hitting people." I apologized to Cole once Kate finally made her way down stairs. He just laughed and shook his head.

"I'm not. It helps me relax knowing you know how to throw a punch every once in a while." He held out his arm for me to take it and led us to the top of the stairs, ready to go down and greet our new pack together. "Shall we?" He asked, smiling down at me. I took a deep breath as we began downstairs, starting out our lives now as the leaders of our new pack. Together.

Beauty and the Rogue (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now