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I didn't mean to always get so angry with things but I didn't like when life didn't go my way. She was messing up the plan I had bringing me to the next conclusion: stealing.

Her shift was only a few hours as Shawn told him earlier today. So he waited across the street in the shadows. She came out only minutes later holding coffee and her heels back on. That seemed like a good sign.

She cornered into an alleyway and quickly he moved after her. The darkness made his presence unknown. Again for the second time heels clicking like a rhythm in his head. He made his move.

Leaping out to grip her body and clutching her mouth muffling her screams. She kicked hard clearly not effecting him. She screamed until her lungs gave in and mixed with his hand.

She tryed to push away his hand now gasping for air as he pulled her along. Guess it would be better if she was asleep. He pushed his hand deeper into her face until finally she stopped moving and gave her air. She'd be out for a while.

The black car pulled up just in time. He opened the door throwing her inside. Light as a rag doll he thought. She breathed lightly in her sleep clutching her shirt. He glared down at her for the trouble she caused today. But his glare faded to just watching her.


It was dark and head banged with my heart beat. Clutching my shirt I tried with all my might to open my eyes. They wouldn't budge. I felt slight bumps under me, like a moving car would give. What happened to me?

Then I remembered the hooded man. I wanted to scream but mostly cry. My body hurt every where and the pounding increased as someone picked me up.

My eyes shot open to the warn touch punching the person hard in the nose. As he dropped me with an 'umph' I staggered to a run. Where was I? All around me were trees. Fucking trees! I couldn't help but think this was the day I was going to die. Every stupid blonde died when they ran into the forest.

But I ran only because either way I was going to die. Maybe worse. Possibilities ran through my head making my pace speed up.

Branches cracked behind me and for some panicked reason I looked back. Worst blonde girl idea ever.... Running right into a tree probably breaking my nose.

That's when they grabbed me. I looked up to see the hooded man that was pulling my arm so it nearly popped out of its socket.

"Please.. stop!" I grabbed at my bruised arm.

He threw my arm down making me wince.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut if you want to live!" He grabbed my cheek pinching it to his face.

"Please." I begged.

His eyes turned a black that sent shivers. He pushed his hand through my hair pulling it hard.

"When I tell you something you listen. Am I clear?!" He barked in my face.

"" too weak to argue I lumped my head into his grasping hand.

He pulled me up flipping me easily over his shoulder. Then  I started screaming. I screamed and pounded on his back. My saddness boiled into anger and I kept screaming.

Soon we entered a large house as I could see since I was attached to his shoulder. My lungs began to give in as my screaming turned unto wispers. Finally his grip loosened and I was flipped off his shoulder.

Landing on a bed I scrambled away from him to the wall.

"You dare disobey me?!" He yelled again with eyes full of hatred.

"Fuck you!" I yelled back.

His hands hit the bed hard scaring me. He slowly crawled towards and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Fuck me? Is that really what you want." He grabbed my leg forcing me to him.

I layed under him. Is that what he wanted from me? To rape me and keep me as a sex toy? His eyes seemed to say that. They gleamed with violence.

"No", I pushed my hand to his chest.

His dark hair was dripping water to my face.

"You seem to want that, by disobeying me!" He grabbed my nipple twisting it in his fingers.

"Stop! Please! I'm sorry! I'll do anything!" I screamed in pain.

"Anything?" He whispered huskly.

"Anything!" I clawed at his hand.

"Good mistress" He smirked letting go of me and walking out the door.

Just like that...

Wait did he just call me a misstress!?



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