Just Business

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I knew today was going to be full of expectancy. I had to be the second prettiest but the smartest one. But how could I if I didn't know what his job was about? Would he punish me for not knowing my place?

I pushed the thoughts out of my head, heading to the bathroom. On my way I saw blue cloth sitting on the dresser. In the bathroom new things were set all around. There was finally a brush and makeup on the counter along with grey fluffy carpets on the floor.

I never took time to look at my surroundings because I was always focused on where master was or when he'd show up. Speaking of the devil, His footsteps began to get louder as he got closer.

I finished my makeup running to the dresser. I stripped of my clothing and slipped on the silky blue dress. Just as the door opened I began to tie the strings behind me. My shaking hands failed me as my bow unravelled.

"Let me help you", His hands gripped the strings behind me.

Unexpectedly he pulled them hard making my body slam to his. I was surprised the strings didn't break from the pull.

I swear I'd need more oxygen to get through the day with all his godliness seducing? Anger? Posses? I never knew what he was intending when he did these things. I only knew that it made it so I couldn't breathe.

Finally he stepped back after God knows how long and began tying it into a bow.

"Now be a good girl and go help Harry set up", I remember Harry from yesterday.

I walked out the door before being called again.

"Hey Cinderella, don't forget your shoes", He plastered a smirk on his face.

"Right", I walked to the black shoes on the ground slipping them on. "Anything else master?" I smirked back.

When I only got stares, I walked past him. Finally I got a smack on the ass. I yelped as I turned around to see him acually laughing?!

"What was that for!?" I couldn't help but chuckle at his wide smile.

"Nothing just go", He pushed me towards the stairs.

'Okay then' I started down the stairs stopping at the door to the outside side.

I had an opportunity to run away from here... but run to what? A cheating boyfriend? A guy who sold me off? I had more here then I ever had. Even if it scared me at times and any way I was starting to like being a mistress.

Wait no.

I liked being taken care of. To not have to worry about money or work. It was like my only job was to be here and do what I'm told. I'm return I got a huge house, butlers, food, clothing,  and to top it off a hot boss.

"Thinking of going some where?", I was startled by Harry.

"Uh no", I smiled weakly and walked beside him.

"Guests will be here in a few minutes why not get settled?" He pulled out a chair.

"I was acually wondering. What kind of business does he work for? I only want to know what I'm talking about when I speak. Also I'd like to seem semi professional."

"The boss works for many companies but also owns a few himself. This one is for the new air force base that is being built. Like the cost and amount of employees."

"Oh boring stuff like that..." I wasn't looking forward to it but maybe I could find something interesting in it.

The door bell rang loudly sending master down the stairs in a rush. He looked at me for a second almost like saying "be a good mistress" I knew the look too well. Oh I'd be a good mistress alright maybe even the best mistress...

Okay fellow people I'd like to say thanks for reading so far and please VOTE it means soooo much to me have a merry day.

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