Even the odds

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Gladly I wasn't drunk this time when standing up to him. I think he really liked people standing up to him. He didn't seem to mind when I did it atleast.

I only did that to show him that we were even now whether he hated me or not. I liked the way I had control on him even if it was only a minute. Just couldn't get his low moans out of my head...

I took off the dress slipping on the sweater and jeans. It felt nice to wear something not so tight. To be free to do what I want. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

There was the door and the window. I could of easily gotten out of here if he gave me shoes that didn't have points.
But even if I did get shoes I had a feeling I wouldn't want to leave. But why? Did I like being in his clutching hands all the time? I wasn't sure what it was that made this new life so inviting.

My stomach grumbled in protest. I forgot to eat when I was down there teasing him. I guess I could go back down for food. 

I walked silently down the steps hoping to find Harry and not Boss. But I guess I found both at the table sipping expensive wine. My food sat not far from the two of them.

"Hello." I awkwardly sat down by my food smelling the bacon sandwich.

I grabbed the sandwich In a hurry to shove it in my mouth. I hadn't realized that I was eating like a pig.

"You want a fork and knife?" Jason stared at me almost disgusted.

"Nope", I continued to gulp it down and I looked over to Master staring with a smirk.

That's weird...

I gulped down the orange juice Harry brought to me. It tasted a little bland. After I finished I stared at the two looking at me expectantly. Was I needing to do something?

All of a sudden my vision became blury and my heart pounded in my head. I was falling asleep in my chair. I tryed to fight the sleep but it took me over fast. My body went lip but before I could hit the ground Jason had me in his arms.

I fucking knew I shouldn't have eaten their food. Then the sleep surrounded me.


I guess you could say it was a punishment for her behavior this morning. The sleeping medicine Harry put in her food was to knock her out for a bit. It was her fault she knocked out so fast, did you see the way she ate?

I didn't think grossly at the way she ate I mostly saw her as comfortable with where she was. It was funny the way she gave me a disgusted face when I asked her if she wanted a fork. Even funnier when she didn't realize she was making the face still as she ate.

When she gobbled the food faster then expected the medicine hit at full force. A force that almost made her hit the ground. She sure needed sleep though.

I walked by her room the other night hearing her whining in her sleep while she tossed and turned. What made her so scared when she slept?

"I'll take her to her room", I said to Harry as he cleaned up the table.

I walked up the stairs with a sleeping Carper in my arms. She was so hot, I mean in temperature...

She whimpered for a moment before grabbing my shirt and calming down. I finally got her into her bed and when my hands released her whimpers escaped her and she gripped her pillow like death itself was after her.

"Fine only today Carper." I slid into bed next to her pulling her with ease to my body. I wrapped my arm tightly around her.

Today I would be her anchor.

Awwwwww....Vote for updates!!

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