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My brother just left for the hospital. Doctors can't find out what's wrong with him. So plz keep him in ur prayers. My mom left with him to. So I'm stuck with two brothers and a step dad

Really don't like this one. It's everywhere and just plain out messy. Still hope u enjoy it doe

Justin and Jason are stuck in the studio so they make the best of it with a special someone who also happened to be at the studio.

-3rd person point of view-

Justin and Jason were currently in New York, Justin was on tour and Jason came to visit him.

Both were currently in the studio, Justin wanted to show Jason a brand new song that he was working on. And it was a song based on Jason's insecurities.

People always point out Jason's flaws so Justin wanted to show that Jason that he will always love Jason threw his insecurities. That Justin doesn't care about Jason's flaws cause everyone has there own. Because Justin has his own flaws and Jason still loves Justin through his.

Justin came out of the booth and gave Jason a hug. Jason finally heard the song. And Jason was full on tears.

"Did you like it?" Asked Justin, feeling nervous.

"I loved it," said Jason with a big smile.

"I'm glad you did," said Justin and gave Jason a passionate kiss on his soft, pink lips.

"Alright, lets go home babe," said Justin to Jason, once they pulled away.

Jason nodded and got his phone from the couch that the studio had provided.

They both walked out of room and down the stairs.

Once they got to the loby, they saw Zayn right away, Jason started to freak out.Don't tell justin but Jason has always said that Zayn is his second daddy. ;)

"SECOND DADDY!" Yelled Jason which caused him to blush in embarrassment since he thought he said that in his mind. Turned out that he said it out loud.

"What?" Asked Justin while Zayn smirked.

"Umm," Jason trailed off while a blush crept up on his cheeks turning them red for both Justin and Zayn to see.

"Say It again, I didn't hear it the first time," said Zayn, still with the same smirk on his face.

"I didn't mean to say it out loud," I said.

"No ifs fine, say it again," said Justin with an amused look on his face, not showing any type of anger like Jason predicated he would.

-Jason's POV-

I turned my head to look at Justin and glared at him with my crystal blue eyes. While he smiled innocently at me, like he did nothing.

Don't let looks fool you.

Zayn laughed at me glaring at Justin, and when I heard his laugh, I snapped my head to look at his direction.

"Hey I'm Zayn," he said, coming up to me and pulled me into a hug.

I of course hugged back while freaking out in the inside.

"Wait you use this studio?" Asked Justin.

"No not usually but my original studio that I use was booked up and I had to sing a song that I just came up with so I decided to come here," said Zayn, still hugging me.

He smells so good, almost like heaven.

Zayn went to pull away but I didn't let him. I mean I have him in my arms, I am not gonna let him leave right now.

"Jason, babe, let go," said Justin while laughing a little.

"No, he's so hot," I whined but then quickly put my hand over my mouth.

Wtf am I doing? Over here embarrassing myself in front of my second daddy!.... ehh sounds like me

"Damn," I said while my hand was still over my mouth.

"Jason you're so cute," said Zayn which caused Jason to blush.

"And ur so hot," I said in my mind, only I said it out loud.

"DAMN IT," I said.

Both Justin and Zayn laughed which caused me to blush even harder.

"Oh my god," I whispered while covering my face with my hands.

"Awe don't be shy. I mean we are stuck with one another for the rest of the night." Said Zayn which caught mine and Justin's attention.

"What?" We both asked.

"Yea, every rode is closed cause of the snow. No one is getting in or out of this studio," said Zayn.

"Wow," me and Justin said at the same time.

"Well let's make the most of it." Said Zayn, smiling at us.

I finally pulled away from Zayn.

"Hey you finally let go," said Justin while smiling at me.

"Hardest thing I've ever done in my life," I said which caused them to laugh.

"It's not funny," I said while pouting at them.

"Aweee," said Zayn, which caused me to blush.

"Stop it," I whined.

"Stop what?" Asked Zayn, smirking at me.

"Stop making me blush," I whined which caused Justin and Zayn to laugh.

"Alright, let's go to know each other since we will be stuck with each other for the rest of the night," said Justin.

We all nodded and got know each other. Me and Zayn became great friends after that night. And you could say that we might have had a threesome but who needs to know the real truth right? ;)

Ugh u guys I really don't like this one shot.
It's just everywhere and it's all messy.
Vote comment and follow me. But if u don't kind of understand.
Love u guys and don't forget that

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