Explantion ~Jastin

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*i know it's been so fucking long since I updated. And I'm not usually like this TBH. But shit happens. I'm kind of growing up and like time just seems to go faster for me. So yea. I'm really sorry. I'm not one to hold back updating. And to make up for that, I made this one short more longer. Again I'm so sorry for not updating since the 25 of April*

*Part 2 to "not a true friend after all" hope u enjoy it

Jason finally comes back from his escape place. He meets up with Justin to give him an explanation and to ask for his forgiveness but will Justin give him his forgiveness?

-Jason's POV-

I sighed as the plane finally landed where it is that Justin is performing today for the purpose tour. Scooter knows so that's why he's also here with Justin. Scooter wanted to see me when I landed.

He told one of Justin's security guard to come get me from the airport and let me tell you, jet lag is a bitch. My sleeping schedule is so fucked up from sleeping all night or day  then others where I get zero sleep since my mind wonders to different places.

I grabbed my bags and walked around, trying to find someone with a "McCann" sign.

After some time I finally spotted them and it just happened to the best security guard ever!

"KENNY!" I screamed as I ran towards his direction. (A/n: I know Kenny doesn't work for Justin anymore but I miss him 😭😫)

Once he heard my voice, he snapped his head towards my direction then smiled as he saw me running towards him.

I finally reached him and jumped into his arms while he laughed.

"What's up kiddo?" He asked me, setting me down on the floor.

"A lot going on to be honest. But right now I just want to see Justin and tell him everything that's been going on," I told him while he looked at me with pity in his eyes.

"How has he been?" I asked him, wanting to change to the subject and get rid of his pity for me. I hate pity. It's the worst thing ever.

"Well at first he was devastated. He couldn't eat. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't sing. He was just to hurt. But after about two months, he finally realized what was going on so he picked himself up and took a change to better himself again. Today is his first purpose show again since you have been gone. It means a lot to me. And between us, I heard him whisper that he wished you were here for it," said Kenny which made me feel sad, Angry, and regret.

"What about Kendall?" I asked him.

"They broke up. He couldn't handle a relationship when his best friend left him without an explanation." Said Kenny which caused me to frown.

"Well let's go kiddo. He's still sad just doesn't show it. Let's see if you can fill his heart once again because we all know you're the missing piece to fix his broken heart." Said Kenny as he picked up my bags and led me to his car.

WE hopped in and he drove us to the arena that Justin would be performing at.

After about 20 minutes, we finally arrived. And I got super nervous. We got out of the car and started walking to the arena with So many thoughts going through my head.

What if he doesn't want to see me?

What if he doesn't forgive me?

What if this is a mistake?

Should I leave?

Will he be happy to see me?

How is he doing?

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