It's all my fault~Jastin

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Justin runs out the house when he finds out that his relationship was  all based on a bet. Only as he's running across the street as it's raining, he doesn't see the car coming his way which causes him to get ran over. Will he survive?

-Jason's POV-

I stared at the guy in front of me. Laying on the bed. All pale. All hurt. Covered in bruises. All my fault he was here when he didn't deserve it.

I made a stupid bet with my jock friend. I bet a $200 that I could take anyone's virginity that he could think of. And he chose Justin. The awkward, shy, and very unsocial kid at our school.

And the part Justin didn't know was that along with the way, I actually fell for him. I didn't mean to but I did. What started off as a bet turned into something more real. Something I never thought I would do. As a young kid, I refused to fall for anyone. My mom she fell for my dad. But my dad, he didn't like her. He just abused her and me along with the way. One day, I saw my mom get beaten up by the guy she loved. And she would always tell me, "he loves me, he just shows it in a different way." I would get so mad cause my mom, she was in denial. My dad didn't love her, he just liked the power he had over her.

My mom she died in the hands of the guy she loved. My dad beat my mom to her death. That's something I will never forget. I was there. And I couldn't even help her. I was hopeless. And that was the reason I refused to love someone. I don't want them to have the power over me. I don't want to end up like my mom. I refuse to end up like my mom. My dad is locked up. I don't visit him and I never will. He took away my mom at a young age. I still my miss my mom. I wish she was still here to tell me what to do. And maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be here.

I put my chair beside Justin's bed and took a hold of his hand.

"Justin, I will never forgive myself for putting in this position. But you didn't know that along the way, I actually fell for you. And it was scary. At a young age, I made myself promise myself that I wouldn't fall in love. I saw my mom get beaten to death by the guy she loved. He had his power over her. He didn't love her. He loved the power he had over her. And I didn't want anyone to have that power over me. Afraid that I would end up my like my mom and I refuse to end up like she did. My dad, he's in jail. I don't visit and I never will. He took someone that I loved away from me at a young age. To this day, I cry myself to sleep. I was there when he was beating her and I couldn't do anything. I just stood and watched. And I get nightmares from it." I said as tears fell down my eyes.

"And I know it's not excuse as to why I did what I did to you. But I'm hoping it would help you understand me. I love Justin, I really do. That's weird to say. I have never said it to anyone. But I just did. And it feels really good." I said to him, not even sure if he could hear me.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me but if you can, please wake up. I wanna say sorry and just leave you alone if that's what you want. I'm not gonna pressure you into forgiving me cause I don't deserve it." I told him.

I fell asleep that night, praying that Justin would wake up. But in the middle of night, he flatlined.

"JUSTIN! NO PLEASE YOU GOTTA WALE UP!" I yelled to Justin, in the middle of the night. His heart rate was just a line.

Doctors and nurses rushed into the room and pushed me out.

I leaned against the wall and slid down. My hands on my knees while I buried my head into my arms. Tears running down my face.

-5 minutes later-

"I'm sorry sir. But Justin has been announced dead at 12:56 am. We couldn't save him. And he has no family members so you are in charge of him and what happens to his body." Said the doctor then walked away while I stood up and went into the room.

The bed sheet covered Justin. His whole body and his face.

I slowly walked up to his bed and just leaned my head on arm that I took from under the sheet. It was cold, pale, and lifeless.

"I am so sorry Justin. You didn't deserve this. I will never forgive myself for this." I cried out.

"I love you so much." I sobbed out.

"It's all my fault." I cried out and fell to my knees sobbing. I will never forgive myself for this. Not in 20 years, not 50 years, never.

I decided to update cause today marks one year of purpose. Like this album means so much to me. This was his comeback. This was him telling the world that he is better, he is stronger, and you can not get rid of him. Justin has changed my life so much. I would get hate for liking him during 2013-14 and I would tell them "just watch One day, he will come back stronger and u will be singing his songs" and they would always say "never" but look at them now! Now they like him, buy his merch, and sing his songs. I knew my baby wasn't going to let 2013-14 control his life and end his career. Now I don't wanna cry but I'm gonna low key cry tonight. I wanna say that I love Justin and I always will. I'm proud to be a belieber and I'm not afraid to admit it. No one will ever compare to Justin. He doesn't care about awards, award shows, cause he doesn't need to be told he's doing amazing cause he already knows. And he has beliebers who tell him everyday! I love Justin so much (even though u will never see this) and I I will never leave u. 💜 from my heart ~Mariana



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-Mariana 💜✨

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November 13, 2017- 2 years of purpose

P. S. My birthday is November 22 so might update that day to which is next Wednesday 💜✨

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