Wow...its over

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Damn you guys I can't believe it. This book is officially completed. Like imma cry on my birthday! I can't believe it. It's so hard to say goodbye to this book. Every one shot was a reflection of my mood at the moment or day.

Writing helps me a lot. Which is why I picked it up as a hobby. It helps me when I'm sad, angry, happy, excited. And to say goodbye is heart breaking.

I wanna thank you guys so much for all the support. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys. I have more then 100 followers on this account. And it's probably because of this book 😂😂

Anyways I love you guys so much and please don't ever hesitate to dm me when u need a friend, a person to listen, or just someone to talk to. I'm always here. I will never judge you. I am not one to judge.

I will continue writing and maybe even in the future start a one shot book 2! We will see how it goes. I just didn't get enough request on here which made it difficult at times to write cause I some times had writers block and that can be such a pain in the ass.

But it's done. And I hope you still continue to support me and vote, comment, and read my other stories. It would mean the world to me.

But it's official. This one shot book is done. I will continue on with my Our destiny book so go read it if u haven't already. I will be updating that one from now on!

I love you guys so much and don't forget that!

-Mariana 💜✨

PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY  TO ME! Oh yea and I sure a birthday with Hailey Baldwin!!

Started: December 15, 2016

Completed: November 22, 2017

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