I'm Finally Happy ~Justin

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-Justin's POV-

I'm finally happy and calm in my life right now.

I'm not in a relationship so I don't have to worry about a girlfriend, I cut all contacts with a certain ex that I had a toxic relationship with.

I don't mean to be mean about it but she's moved on. To someone uglier then me, no its not an opinion, its a fact. I mean really him. She can do so much better but hey that's none of my business. Its just that we kept hurting each other. None of us wanted to let go, to scared to see what would happen. To scared for the future. But we both finally let go. It was hard at first, not having her by my side, not being able to see her in person but only in pictures, not being able to text her, and all that. But I got through it.

I'm actually glad that we let go. That releationship was causing me a lot of trouble, drama, and more. I was being played and used with out knowing. But I was so caught up in my job that I didn't see it. But one day, I got my head out of my ass and saw her true colors. She wasn't with me because she loved me but because she needed fame. And along the way she caught feelings just the way I did. But I don't regret. She showed that some people use you, they will do anything for fame, and that some people will go through hell and back just to see me hurt and heartbroken.

Now about my recent ex, she was something else. I might have used her to get my mind of my other ex but she did some many things messed up and I don't even blame my beliebers for getting mad at her.

But I hate they sent her hate and telling her that they hate her. They didn't know her personally so I don't know why they would hate her. She was honestly a humble and nice person. She was just blind by her jealousy of my beliebers. And all my girlfriends are jealous of my beliebers, just like some beliebers are jealous of my girlfriend.

My beliebers are the most important to me, with out them, I wouldn't where I am today. They made me a better person and they always put a smile on my face. With their dirty jokes, sweet messages, spilling their feelings over direct message. I will never forget about my beliebers. No matter which girl I'm with.

Each one of my beliebers are different and each one is beautiful to me. No matter others think of them, no matter what they think of themseleves, they are beautiful just the way they are. And I wouldn't change them for the world nor would I change them. They are beautiful just the way they are.

Now back to what makes me happy and why I am happy.

To be honest with you, I don't really know why I'm happy, I just am. I have nothing to worry about and for that I opened my Instagram back. Happy to see all the welcome back by my beautiful beliebers.

Plus I started hanging out with one of my closest friends on this planet that I haven't hung out in ages. Its always nice to hang out with your friends that are so busy with their career then I'm busy with mine, its just nice that we got to hang out again.

Also I'm hanging out with my cute baby girl, Esther. She is awesome at keeping me company. She listens to me when I talk about my problems, she might not say anything, but its nice to see that she's listening, even if she is pretending.

My point here is just to ramble but to also say that I'm truly happy with my life right now. So my beliebers please don't worry, I'm happy and I always will be as long as my beliebers stay by my side.

Beliebers, please never hurt yourselfs, but happy with yourself. You are stuck with yourself for the rest of your life so accept your flaws. Because if you don't then you will never be truly in life. Happiness is the key to life. Accept yourself just the way you are because if you don't then you will kill yourself inside.

Just be happy with life. You have one life, live it your fulliest.

Just remember my beliebers, right now,

I'm finally happy and you don't need to worry about me. I'm having fun on tour.

But do remember when you think i don't care, when you think I don't listen, when you think I will forget you, I know that I will never be able to forget you. I care. And I care when you hurt yourself. Because you don't just hurt yourself but you also hurt me. And remember that. And I listen to your messages. I just can't answer them. But I read them and smile. So yes you bring a smile on my face. You might not see it, but I smile because of you.

I'm happy and when you worry about me, just know that I worry about you to.

Hey it's me, the person who forgets about their books sometimes 😂
So listen, I need you guys to do three important things for me plzzzzzz.

1) I need you guys to comment more and tell me if you actually like these one shots.

2) I need you guys to request some one shots. Kind of running out of ideas.

3) I was hoping you guys could read my other books. They are both Jastin so maybe give them a chance

Anyways that's it. And if you do them, thank you so much. U don't know how much it means to me

Love u guys and don't forget that




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