Fallen Alien~Jastin

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^^ anyone else cry/ felt so much fucking emotions when he posted that picture cause I did. MY INNOCENT little kidrauhl/my baby boy 😭😭😭

My internet is currently down. No idea what the hell happened. Rn I'm using my data to update. So could you guys please request one shots. I need something to keep my entertained since I can't do anything else. Plus I am running out of ideas at the moment. Not sure when my wifi will be up again so not sure when my next update will be.

This one shot was requested by Justinisbaexx 😂😂 i finally got to ur alien. Sorry it took me so long.

So yea plz request some. If you comment might take me some to time respond but I will respond. I'm not using my date 24/7. You can either request one shots in the comments or DM privately if ur more comfortable so it can stay between us. Next to me if you want me to tag you in that one shot.

I'm not sure if I want to make smut one shots at the moment. So please refrain from requesting those but if u really wanna request smut DM me privately and we can talk about it.

Jason heard a big crash outside his home. So being the curious boy he is, he decides to go see what it is. Only to found out that an alien named Justin on earth landed. Now will Jason take Justin into his hands and care for him or will he call the cops and forget all about Justin like he never existed.

-Jason's POV-

I heard a loud ass crash in my back years while I was on the couch watching Netflix. I jumped once I heard the crash.

Now I would have gone to my neighbors only thing is that they live about 2 miles away. I like to keep to myself.

Me being curious, I decided to go see what it is.

I slowly stood up from the couch and walked towards my back door. I opened the door and was immediately met with a blinding light. I raised my hand over my eyes to cover my eyes from the blinding light.

I blinked my eyes rapidly to try to adjust them to the light. Once they adjusted, I looked and saw a spaceship sort of thing only it wasn't normal.

I walked towards it and on the side it had some writing only it wasn't any kind of writing on earth.

I slowed my pace a little once I heard some noise coming from the object.

I walked towards it. I was finally standing in front of it. There was a door leading up to it. Only the door looked like a castle door. The ones that dropped from the top.

I decided to go into the ship.

I made my way into the object and saw four people.

There was a man in front of what I assumed was the sterling wheel. Beside him was a woman. Behind them were two people. A girl and a boy. The girl looked to be about six years old while the boy looked my age.

"Hi." I whispered once they all saw me. But the man, woman, and the little girl seemed to be in pain and bleeding incredibly fast but their blood wasn't red. It was dark orange. Almost red but not quite.

One Shots (Justinxb)Where stories live. Discover now