Kids~ Jastin

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Justin and Jason talk to their kids as they tuck them in. Separately! (They talk to their kids separately).


-Justin's POV-

"Good night baby boy," I said as I tucked in my 5 year old son, Jordan.

"Good night dad," he replied back while yawning softly.

I laughed and kissed his forehead.

"Wait dad?" He called after me.

"Yea," I said.

"What do you do when you see someone crying because another person makes them sad and hits them?" He asked me.

"Baby what do you mean?" I asked him. He's never asked about this. This was bullying that he was talking about. And we have never talked about this.

"There is this girl in my class and people always tell her that she is ugly and that she cries. I always want to make her happy but I don't know how," Jordan said as he frowned which caused me to frown.

"Well baby boy, you can do many things. You can stand up to those people and tell them to stop making her sad. Or tell a teacher what is going on. Or you can ALWYAS tell her that she is pretty. Because every girl is beautiful. A girl is beautiful inside and out. You just gotta remind them," I said.

"Ok I will do that," he said with a smile on his face.

"Good now get some rest." I kissed his forehead again while he laid under the covers.

I turned on his night light, and walked out of the room. But not closing the door completely. He's scared. And he's more of dad's boy instead of a daddy's boy.

I then walked into mine and my husband's bedroom. Waiting for him to tuck in our daughter, but in the meanwhile I stripped out of my clothes, only leaving my boxers on then got into bed.

-Jason's POV-

"Good night baby girl," I said to my little princess who was in bed. Looking up at me with her clear blue eyes that she got from me while he brother had brown honey eyes like his dad's.

"Good night daddy," responded my 8 year old daughter, Jade.

"Love you princess," I said.

"Daddy?" She called out.

"Yea," I said.

"How come I'm not your queen?" She asked me while frowning.

"Because baby girl, your grandma is my queen. She helped me through my sad times," I responded.

"Ohhhh," she said while I laughed.

"Then who's your prince?" She asked.

"I have two. Jordan and Justin." I responded to my baby girl, wondering why she's asking all these questions.

"What about your king?" She asked.

"Your grandpa," I told her.

"Jade, what's up with all these questions?" I asked her.

"Umm," she traveled off nervously.

"Jade Hope McCann Bieber, do not lie to me," I told her in a stern voice.

"This girl in school told me that I couldn't be a princess," she said as tears welled up in her eyes. And that broke my heart💔.

"Baby why?" I asked her.

"She said I wasn't pretty enough," she cried as tears went down my little princess' face.

"Baby no, you are pretty enough. She's just jealous of you. Please don't listen to her baby girl. You are more than enough. Princess you are always gonna have people who want to tear you down. But you know what you say?" I said to her while wiping her tears.

"What?" She asked.

"You say to your haters, "you can't tear me down, I'm strong," I said while a smile appeared on her face.

"Now princess you never lower your head," I told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because you are a princess. And if you lower your head, your crown might fall off," I told her.

She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Now baby get some rest. I will call your school tomorrow and handle this. Because you are my princess and when you were dad's tummy, you know what I would tell you." I said.

"No, what?" She asked.

"I promised you that I will protect you with my life. If someone ever makes you cry or hurts you, they will pay." I told her.

"I love you daddy," she said.

"I love you to baby girl," I said then kissed her forehead.

I turned off her lamp and walked out of the room, not closing the door completely. She might not need a nightlight but she still gets scared.

I then walked to mine and my husband's room only to find him laying down, asleep.

I stripped out of my clothes, leaving my boxers on.

I then climbed into bed and cuddled him. He immediately put his face on my chest while I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"I love you my prince," I whispered and fell asleep.

Happy with my family.

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