Falling in love? ~Jastin

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*MY FINALS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!! Yay guys I can update again. I had planned to write in my spare time but I had none! I had to study, sleep early, and do shit that my day just flew by. Sorry u guys that I have been gone. But I'm back! So yay! And I hope to be updating more since school won't be such a bother since we are all done with the standards and shit. Teachers said it's gonna be fun for the rest of the year but teachers lie SO who knows?! Anyways glad to be back. Missed u guys*

-hope u like this one shot, comment, vote, and follow me plz.-

*part two to "kidnapped"*

Justin Bieber was kidnapped by the most wanted criminal on earth. Now Jason's mission was to make Justin fall in love with him to. Can Jason secede?

-Justin's POV-

It's been about two months since Jason, the criminal kidnapped me. And let me tell you something, this bitch rich. He might as well be El Chapo. Like damn!!

Anyways, to be honest, I'm kind of warming up to him. At first I was scared out of my balls. Like the most wanted criminal kidnapped me. Was I suppose to be happy? He might be hot but he still is dangerous. I can't like him. I mean or can I?

OMG! I can't! He's my kidnapped. I cant like him. But love is love. Right? Damn all these questions that I have and no one can give me the answer but me. Only thing is even I don't know the answer. But then again, behind ever bad person is a good person who has been hurt so many times that they do it to other people so they can forget about their pain. Only thing is Jason McCann isn't like every other person. But he still is a person. So maybe even the worlds wanted criminal has a story behind his personality.

"Jason!" I screamed. Immediately I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs.

Suddenly the door busted open with Jason and his second in command, Ryan.

Oh yea his gang has also been welcoming. They are so nice. Well some. There's this girl who hates my guts. Could be because I got Jason and she's a slut who just wants him for his dick. But she can go lick a pussy cause his dick mine. He don't want no hairy ass pussy that is the size of China. Damn I am jealous?

"WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU GET HURT?! ARE YOU OK?! 911, AMBULANCE, OR FIRST AID KIT!!" Yelled Jason as he busted through the door with Ryan looking like he was about to die from the lack of oxygen going to his lungs.

"Nothing I just wanted to cuddle," I said as I gave him an innocent smile while he laughed and Ryan looked at me with disbelief in his eyes.

"You made me run up here so you can cuddle!" He yelled out in frustration.

"Yep," I said as I popped the 'p.'

"Ugh," he groaned.

"Wanna cuddle to?" I asked him as Jason made an unhuman growl.

"What?" I asked him.

"Your mine," he growled again.

"Your not a dog, stop growling like one," I said as Ryan busted out laughing.

"No but I am a werewolf," I heard him whisper but I just ignored it, thinking he was just kidding or that I heard wrong.

"Someone come cuddle with me," I whined.

Immediately Jason pushed Ryan out of the room since the door was still opened and ran towards my bed and literally jumped on it.

"I'm here," he said while smiling.

That smile that makes me feel all tingly inside. That smile that I've grown to love. And that smile that lights up my day.

I looked at with a smile and just stared at his face. He was honestly so gorgeous and breath taking. Cheesy I know but it's the truth. And I'm not
going to deny the truth.

My favorite feature of his were a tie between his sparkling blue eyes or his breath taking smile. I just can't choose.

And don't even get me started on his personality. Now you may think that his personality is just the worst. That he's cocky, ignorant, mean, rude af, and many more. But actually he's the opposite. He's so sweet, caring, kind hearted, and many more. But really he's like a giant ass teddy bear!

"What?" Asked Jason, snapping me out of thoughts.

"What?" I asked him, very confused.

"You have been staring at me for the last, I don't know, 5 minutes," he said.

"Oh," i responded then blushed.

"Let's cuddle and watch Netflix," he said, changing the topic which I was glad for.

Jason got the control, which was on the nightstand beside my bed that was to the smart tv and turned it on. He did what he had to do to get on Netflix. Once Netflix came on, he choose 13 reasons why. I didn't care what we watched as long as I was with Jason.

The show started SO Jason turned his head to look at the tv. While I looked at his side profile asking myself the same question that had been going through my mind for the last two weeks now.

Am I falling in love?


SECOND part TO kidnapped that was requested by JoiWilliams

Another part of just leave it? TBH idk if I should make another part? So plz do comment and tell me


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