The Hospital

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I turned around to see my mother with a shocked look on her face. I smiled shyly at her and was caught by surprise when she hugged me. I was taken by surprise but soon wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. I looked up and noticed my father and sister starring at me in shock. My mother pulled back from the hug and had fresh tears streaming down her face. She her hand up and placed it on me cheek as if she couldn't believe I was here. I grabbed her hand and closed my eyes missing my mothers touch. I opened my eyes and looked up to my father and sister smiling a small smile.

"He's in bad condition but he's stable" My mother spoke up with a small voice. I could tell she had been crying for awhile seeing as her voice sounded hoarse. I gently nodded my head and turned around looking at the door. I stood there debating if I should go in or not when I felt a soft hand grab mine. I looked up and saw Lauren give me a small smile and nod to enter the room.

"I'll stay out here and give you some alone time with him but know I'm here for you if you need me" her voice was soft and I nodded my head saying a small thank you. I turned my attention back to the door before placing my hand on the handle. I pushed the door open and entered. When I looked up my body went cold at the image before me. He had pale skin and tubes running out of his body from every direction. IV's were hooked up to both arms and there was even one in his neck. I held my tears back not wanting to break when I know he needed me to be strong. I slowly walked towards his body and grabbed his hand. He was ice cold, like he wasn't here anymore. I placed my other hand on his forehead and begin rubbing thumb like I used to do when he wasn't feeling good. I closed my eyes and leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. One tear escaped my eye before I wiped it away and held the rest back. I sat down in the chair next to his bed and continued to hold his hand thinking about all the times we had fun when we were kids.

"Remember that time we were playing baseball in the backyard and you broke the window" my voice cracked.

"Mom was so pissed and I didn't want you to get in trouble so I took the blame for you" I let out a small laugh. I looked up at his pale face and regretted everything I ever did that caused him pain. I sat there for four hours talking to him about memories when we were kids. The good, the bad and I begin to think. "Why did I let her come between us" I thought "Why did I let her hurt my family". I couldn't take it anymore and got up and ran out the room. I didn't wait for my family and just took off running down the hall. I found an empty room and closed the door leaning back against the wall sliding down and pulling my knees up to my chest. I finally let it out, everything I have been holding in is finally coming out. I wanted to scream hell I wanted to yell and brake things but my body went numb. It felt like I didn't even exist in that moment. All the pain and memories came flooding back. Everything I pushed back is now catching up to me and it hurts. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and instantly grabbed the person not caring who it was, I just needed someone more then ever in this moment. We sat there for what felt like hours before I stopped crying. I finally looked up and saw Lauren with tears in her eyes and I instantly regretted this. I pulled away from her and got up from the floor. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breathe.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She looked at me with a frown.

"Are you serious right now?" she sounded pissed. I looked at her with confusion before she spoke again.

"Your brother is in the hospital and you run out of his room with tears streaming down your face and youre gonna ask me if I'm okay?" yup she was pissed. I looked down at the ground and whispered a sorry before walking out and back to my family not even waiting for Lauren. When I reached my family I went up to my mom and hugged her knowing she was hurting but still she remained strong. I turned to my father and sister who both pulled me into a hug.

"Well I'm gonna go but ill be back tomorrow to check up on you guys" I said with hoarse voice. My family just looked at me with sad smiles but nodded their heads and said I love yous. I turned around and saw Lauren standing there with an unreadable expression on her face. I walked past her and begin the walk to the front door. On the way I called my shofar and waited for Lauren to catch up. When my shofar pulled infront I opened the door for Lauren who got in and she still hasn't said anything. I got into the car and we begin the drive back to the hotel. Once there we got out and made our way to our room where Lauren, still not talking to me, walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I sighed and walked to the living room picking up the phone and ordering room service. When I looked up I saw Lauren standing there with her arms crossed and I knew I was in trouble.

"We need to talk about earlier y/n"

"I don't know what youre talking about"

"Bullshit I want answers and I want them now. I want you to tell me why youre so closed off why you don't like showing your emotions" I sighed and looked down debating whether I should tell her about my past or not. I looked up and saw her waiting before I patted the spot next to me telling her to sit down. She sat down and grabbed my hand rubbing her thumb across my knuckles. I took a deep breathe before beginning to speak.

"When I was little"


Hey guys so I know yall don't like cliffhangers but oh well so um yeah I just wanted to say hey and dms are always open peace

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