Chapter 26

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Dylan's POV

So I got to school late like I thought I would be and went to my first class. I saw Dess and greeted her when I sat down next to her. I asked her if we missed anything and she said no.

"Have you talked to Scarlett lately? I didn't see her this morning and when I went to go text her about tomorrow after school she wouldn't answer." She started off.

"Only this morning before school. But that's weird, she always answers her phone, even toll free. I wonder what's up. She was really happy yesterday." I pointed out. I had to think, did something happen, because this is unusual.

"Maybe Katrina did something, she seemed victorious today. I didn't see Scarlett at all today," I tensed up. If Katrina did something I'm going to kill her," I keep trying to ask if I could go to the restroom. But Mr. Asshole won't let me. I wanna see if she's in any of the bathrooms." I tried to text her one more time seeing if she is okay.

"O'brien! Put that phone away or I'm taking it." Mr. Jacobson said. I put my phone away and started on the work he put up on the board.

It's been a while since Dess has texted back and I wonder if she found Scarlett and is talking to her or if she is still checking bathrooms. But then my phone vibrated. 

'I just saw Scarlett driving away from the school in her car.' Is she ditching, leaving? I texted her, no answer.

'Was there anything else you noticed? She doesn't usually do this.' I sent. Even though she hates school she never leaves. Her mother isn't even here to check her out.

'She looked sad. I don't know. But I'm headed back to class. She isn't answering my texts. Is she answering yours?' God dammit. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.

'No she has not. I'm going to try and ditch too to see what is going on. But when class ends. It'll be a lot easier because security can't focus on that many people.' A few seconds later Destinie walked in and the teacher didn't even notice she was gone that long. 

 Play song now ------------>

The bell rung and I secretly headed to my car. As I'm driving to her house I am calling her, she isn't answering. The reason I'm so worried is because she's depressed. Depressed people do stupid shit when they are hurt, I don't want anything to happen to her. I was planning on asking her out today for Sunday afternoon, but I guess not.

I got to her house and the door was unlocked. I  ran inside calling her name. No answer. I knew she was home because her car was in the drive way. I called her name again, no answer. This whole time I've been searching the house and I stopped in the bathroom. Oh. My. God.

"Scarlett!" I say as I pull her into my arms," Scarlett?!" The next thing I do is call 911. 

"911 What is your emergency?" The woman said. By now I can't see in front of me because my eyes are filled with tears.

"I need an ambulance. My girlfriend has attempted suicide! Please hurry! I don't know how long she will live! Please!" I said all jumbled.

"Sir, can you calm down for me first?" I took in deep breaths to calm myself down," What happened?" 

"I found her in her bathroom surrounded by blood from her wrists and," I looked around for anything else,"There is an open pill bottle. I don't know what to do! What if she's dead?"

"Sir, check for a pulse and if she's breathing." I checked.

"She is breathing, but barely. And she has a pulse. Is an ambulance on their way?" O said worried. 

"Yes they should be there soon. I need you to keep me on the line. how old is she?"

"Um.. 17 years old. Almost 18. She's about 5'7" with brown hair and bright blue eyes." I gave the information. I heard the sirens outside the house meaning they are close. 

"Alright, when the ambulance gets there you are aloud to leave the call. They will help you from there. Is she still breathing and does she still have a pulse?" I checked again and told her it is slowly fading, just then the medics came in.

"They are here. Thank you." I hung up and kept asking the medics if she will be okay. They were attaching some machine to her, probably for pulse. I heard the sound when a heart stops beating. No No No No No Please don't be dead! They were trying to revive her, which they successfully did. they then put her on a board thing and carried her onto the gurney. Just ten my mom called.

"Why did I get a call that you are not at school?" she asked sternly.

"Mom Scarlett attempted suicide!" I was getting in the ambulance with her because I couldn't leave her," Mom, I can't lose her. She is my first girlfriend, my first kiss, my first love. Mom I cannot lose her. I'm getting in the ambulance now. Mom What am I going to do if she's dead? I planned to ask her out today on our first date!"

"Calm down honey, I'm on my way to the hospital. Honey she wil be okay. Don't worry." The tears kept going and wouldn't stop. 

"Alright right, mom I gotta go the medic is asking me something." I said quickly.

"Okay, I wil see you there. Kay? Just hold in there sweetie." She hung up.

"Young man, do you understand how lucky she is to have you? Any later and she would've been dead. Since she took three pills that are deadly if any more are taken they are going to pump her stomach. When we get there there will be a nurse to take you to the waiting room while we do the pumping. So what we need you to do is when the door opens we need you to jump out and move to the side as fast as possible." Still crying I nodded, taking one more look at Scarlett before crying even more even though it isn't possible.

The door opened and I did as told. There was a nurse there that helped me in the doors after they took Scarlett in first. When we got into the waiting room I immediately ran to my mother. She pulled me into a hug and we just stood there with me crying and my mom shedding a few tears. My mother was never the crier. But when she does cry you know it's something serious.

After about 30 minutes of waiting the doctor came and talked to us,"Scarlett is alive, but she is asleep. Are you the mother?" My mom shook her head,"Since Scarlett isn't registered into the hospital is there anyway to contact mom or dad?" 

"Her dad is dead. And her mom isn't available. we are the closest it comes when It comes to family. I'm her boyfriend." I said. I just wanted to see her, sleeping or not.

"You won't be able to see her until she is awake. Um, Mrs," he was looking at my mom.


"Later on I need to talk to you, right now I need to go help another patient. Is that okay?" She nodded. He left and we sat down. I want to see her. I want to see her beautiful face again.

Another half hour of waiting and we were finally able to see her. The nurse led us to her our room and when I saw her I nearly broke. The life in her eyes were no longer there, her skin was colorless, her smile was no longer filled with happiness, but replaced with a fragile broken one. 

"Hey." She said, her voice cracking from being weak.\


hey guys! Well this chapter is too long so I am going to make it into two. I will be putting part two on her tomorrow, I just had this short window of time, enough to put this chapter on. From now I on I think I will be updating on weekends so that way I have time to edit everything during the week. On special occasions I will update during the week, it's just with homework it's pretty difficult. 

So tomorrow will be the continuation, of this chapter maybe around 2-3 o'clock. I love you guys and thank you so much1 I want to dedicate this chapter to my friends Serena, Kayla, Bailey, Alliyah, lastly Destnie and Taryn. Yes those are the names in my book. If you can guess Scarlett is based off of me! Yay! Anywho LIKE, comment anything I missed in the editing and just enjoy!




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