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                                     ||"Are you okay?" Izaiha asks as I run into his arms, I shake my head

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"Are you okay?" Izaiha asks as I run into his arms, I shake my head.

I hear the sound of the dirt moving as a car drives into our pack, they stop the car.

The scarred man comes out of the car with his men and females.... that's probably the only way I can put it.

"Give us the girl and no problems will occur," he demands.

"No way!" Izaiha spits.

"Why do you want me so badly!" I cry out in frustration. Well I wouldn't be complaining if this was in any other situation where two guys were fighting over me for love but this isn't love it's revenge.

'Your parents are on their way.' He informs me but I don't reply.

"For revenge of course! Your parents killed everyone that I cared about, that we cared about." He gestures to the people behind him. "They killed all my family and friends."

Thrusting my hands up in the air out of frustration I shout, "how is that my fault! My parents wouldn't of killed anyone without a reason. I don't know about dad but I know mum would never ever kill without a reason."

"Yeah, well her reason was stupid!" He growls lowly. "You didn't listen to my warning so now a war has started. NOW!" All of a sudden many people come running out of the bushes screaming things that I haven't heard of. German? French? Italian?

Someone drags me away to safety and I sigh in relief when I see my dad and mum. To be honest I'm really surprised that dad let mum come because of how over protective he is. "Mum, dad what's going on? What did you two do?" I demand, they both look behind me and mums arm surges through the air. Fire lunges out of her hand, it's not even burning her! I gasp. If she told me I forgot...

"We'll explain it all later just don't get yourself hurt and protect as many people as you can." Dad orders running off. Mum soon follows and I shake my head to clear me from my thoughts.

I really need my comfort food; chicken. I punch a random person who runs past chasing a pack member, she glares at me and grabs my hair to which I kick her crotch. She releases me and yelps, it still hurts if you get kicked down there as a girl.

Searching around quickly, I find a knife and I pick it up then plunge it through her chest- killing her. Her face looses all the colour there was and her eyes stay open. I stand up pulling the knife out of her chest along the way and throw it at someone else who is the enemy. He yells in pain falling on the ground, I run up to him and put my foot on his back holding him down. I rip his heart out of his chest and drop it out of my hands running off to kill more people.

I really sound like a terrible person at the moment but I'll do absolutely anything to help my family. I knew my mum had some sort of power but I didn't know she was that strong; it stunned me. I look in Izaiha's direction and I can't help but let the scream come out of my mouth when I feel a sword lunging toward in my stomach. I look down slowly, placing my hands around it and I pull it out slowly. In pain I drop to the floor, people shout my name out of worry.

Izaiha lifts me bridal style shouting at me to stay awake for him. "I can't loose you. STAY AWAKE!" He groans out in pain at something but I don't have the strength to ask what's wrong. He hands me to my dad and my head tilts to the side and I watch as he walks up to the scarred face dude. That's what I'm gonna call him. I can't remember his name.

Izaiha tackles him, they share punches between each other but my vision becomes blurry. "We need a doctor!" Dad shouts desperately. He sighs in relief when the pack doctors sits down and tends to my wound as gently as she can.

I turn my head, watching the fight between them. Izaiha shifts into his wolf and takes a bite out of scarred mans leg, he yelps in pain and shifts too. Their wolves go head on, charging and snapping at each other.

"We're loosing her!" I hear the nurse shout. Sometimes I wish I was a werewolf; fast healing and stronger but I'm an angel and a devil. Innocent but evil.

As my eyes start drooping and the pain of my wound stops hurting I look at Izaiha. Izaiha; my peace. My love. My one and only. My love, my first love. I was meant to grow old with him, have kids and live my life to the fullest. He's shifted back into his human form and my eyes close one last time as he rips out the scarred mans heart from his cold scarred chest.
22 years later

"Ebony stop annoying your brother," I warn my ten year old child.

"But mum, he started it!" She points an accusing finger at Brady and I raise an eyebrow sighing out in tiredness.

The door opens and Izaiha walks through the door, he looks at me and smiles. He places his Brief case down and undoes the buttons if his suit jacket. Izaiha smiles when he reaches me and presses a chaste kiss to my lips in greeting. "Hey babe," he grins.

So the day I got stabbed I didn't actually die, I was saved by my mum. She did the best she could, she healed it a little which was all she could do and that put me in a coma for a month. Izaiha would visit me every day, I would hear him. And so would everyone else. Turns out that u got my happily ever after. I got five kids in the end. Ebony, Brody, Kylie, Xavier, Tom.

I didn't think that I would survive but I did.

I met the alpha- my mate while I was eating chicken. His first words were mine.

I'm an angel, he's a werewolf.

We both fell madly in love.

I'm the alphas angel.

Hey guys I know I said that there would be a couple more chapters but I was getting bored of this book and I didn't want to keep you waiting so I decided to end it at here.

I really hope you somewhat enjoyed it though.

Go check out my other books!

Thank you all for the support that you have given me, it's much appreciated and it makes me want to continue to write. Once again I'm sorry.

Comment, vote follow.

The end.

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