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"Jade?" Blake hesitantly asked me from across the table as I ate my pancakes. I looked up. "You're so hard to follow. Why are your attitude changes so sudden?"

"Attitude changes?"

"One moment you're laughing, the next you're teasing, and the next you're afraid." He explained. "I know why you're afraid when I'm angry, but you get scared of other things too. Jade, if you're bipolar we can get you some medication, if you want it that is."

I sat quietly for a moment and thought. He was right. I did keep switching my personality. Like I was a character in some poorly written book by a hormonal teen.

"I'm supposed to be a good wife. At moments I remember that then I start acting like myself, then I remember how real the situation is and I get scared." I shrugged.

"A good wife?" He asked confused. I looked up at him again.

"Yeah, like the book he gives the girls he wants to make a wife for you," I said. He looked lost.

"You're the first girl I really talked to. The others either seemed robotic and scared or were more interested in something a little more bedroom related." He said with a shrug at the end. By the look on his face, I could tell their interests were met under his sheets. He looked up at me curiously.

"I assure you I do not share their interests," I said plainly. He smirked.

"Wouldn't mind if you did," he offered.

"I don't." I gave a slight glare.

"Option's there and if you tease me again like this morning my interest in the matter might suddenly spark." I felt my cheeks heat up and by the smirk on his face, I could tell he noticed.

"Must you always smirk like that?" I asked with a slight glare.

"Do you always have to put thoughts in my head that make me smirk?"

"How did I put thoughts in your head? You're the one who spoke."

"You're the one who sat there looking like that." He chuckled.

"Oh yeah, just sitting over here looking like a frumpy potato. You must be really into french fries," I rolled my eyes. His smile disappeared.

"Don't talk like that." He said in a flat voice. He sounded almost exactly like Marlben. "Whether I let you go or not, while you're here, you're mine. I won't just sit here and listen to that bullshit. I'm not sure what you're used to, but don't forget where you are. I don't like when people talk down on things that belong to me."

I nodded and didn't say a word. I just looked down at my lap. It was quiet for a moment before he stood up.

"Finish your pancakes and have one of my maids take you back up to my bedroom. I've got work to do." He said as he walked to the door. He left without looking at me.

I hadn't meant to upset him like that. I always spoke that way about myself.

I stood up from the table and moved to the door to look for a maid. I stepped into the quiet hallway and started to walk toward where Blake had come from with the pancakes. I was looking at the paintings on the wall when I felt two large hands on my arms, pushing me into the wall and knocking down a painting.

"There you are!" Marlben said. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You're not ready to be a wife yet, you fucking idiot."

"B-Blake wanted me to stay up h-here with him." I stuttered. I'd never exactly seen Marlben angry, he was always emotionless. I wanted to just sink into the wall behind me and be gone.

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