In the Beginning

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Lily Potter had taken her son upstairs and was putting him in the crib for a nap, leaving James downstairs with her daughter, the oldest of the twins. After singing Harry to almost asleep, she left the room and went downstairs to retrieve her daughter from James.

"Who's a sweet little girl? You are! Yes, you are!" She heard James saying to Sarah.

"She's a baby, James, not a dog." Lily said, making James jump and nearly drop Sarah. “DO be careful when you're holding her, remember what happened when you tried to carry Harry upstairs?"

James blushed, remembering the time he had fallen down the stairs while holding Harry because he wasn't paying attention.

"Ha-ha, very funny," he said, throwing his wand down on the couch and stretching while Lily laughed at him. All of a sudden, there was an almighty crash from the front hall.

"Lily! He's here! Take Sarah and go!" James said running to the door while Lily ran upstairs, holding her baby girl close. She plopped Sarah into the crib with sleeping Harry and started piling stuff against the door. When there was nothing left, she ran over to the crib. She heard things move, and turned to face the door.

"Ah, what have we here? A Mud-blood trying to protect her doomed child." Voldemort said.

"Ch-child? I thought you were after both Sarah and Harry?" Lily said, confused.

"Just the girl, you stupid Mud-blood, which means that you get to keep the boy," He said cruelly.

"No." Lily said defiantly.


"No. You won't take either of them."

"Just MOVE!" He roared.

"NO!" She pleaded. "Please! They're my babies! PLEASE! You can't take them! No!"

"Step aside, silly girl, I need only kill the girl, not you, not the boy." Voldemort whispered dangerously.

She didn't move. "I'll die before I let you kill my children." Lily snarled.

"Fine," he said, his voice full of an evil glee. "Have it your way. Avada Kedavra!"

Sarah pulled herself up and was holding on to the side of the crib, standing behind her mother. The entire time she had stayed silent, while Harry had started to whimper and whine from all the shouting, something Voldemort, for once, found annoying.

"Well?" he asked the child. "Aren't you going to cry and give me another reason to kill you?" He had always hated children for their crying, but this girl seemed to be like him, a baby who didn't cry. "Ah," he said, intrigued. "What is this? A baby, and a girl at that, who must by now know that she is marked to die, but does not shed a tear? Doesn't even whimper? Not a whine? Not a sound has this baby made. Such a waste." He raised his wand. She looked at it curiously. "Avada Kedavra!" He roared.


I watched as a giant man came over and picked up the wailing baby beside me, and turned to look at me.

"Oh no," he mumbled, his voice shaking. Another, normal-sized man came running up to him.

"Hagrid! Hagrid, oh good, you have Harry, but where's-" his eyes fell on me. "NO!" he moaned. "No! This can't be happening! He can't have! No! This means he got what he wanted!" He shrieked. "But-but why is Harry still alive then?" he said in a moment of rationality.

Thunder rolled as I woke up, I jumped up, grabbing the tiny bag holding the few things I own and started walking, and beginning to wonder the things I always wonder after this dream. Who is Harry? Who's the giant man? Who's the other man that thinks he got what he wanted? Who supposedly got what he wanted in the first place? As usual, I had no answers. Just then, I came upon a forest. Sighing quietly to myself, I began to pick my way through the weeds and tree roots and vines.

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