Messing with Snape

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Messing with Snape. Or, Rather, Having Messed with Snape and Facing the Consequences

I woke up early Monday, and went down to the Great Hall. Hermione showed up after about 20 minutes and asked me if I had eaten with a stern look on her face. 

“Yes.” I lied easily.

She looked at me doubtfully, then sat down and helped herself to breakfast.

“We have Potions first today, right?” I asked her.

“Yeah…” she replied. “Why are you grinning?” she asked, looking at the sly smile that had split my face.

“No reason, “I replied nonchalantly.

“Mhm.” She said going back to her food as Harry and Ron walked in, still looking half asleep. As they ate, I watched, having to look away from Ron a couple of times so I didn’t get sick.

“We better head to Potions,” I said. “I’d hate to be late.” That drew Ron's attention and he looked at me funny and asked, “Why don’t you want to be late?”

“I just don’t, You have a problem with me wanting to be punctual?”

“Nope.” he said, and we all went to queue up for Potions.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As we waited outside, I couldn’t help but wonder if my plan had worked.

As if in answer to question, Snape opened the door, and beamed at us.

“Hello, children! I’m so glad to see you!” he exclaimed, causing even more jaws to drop than his red and gold Quidditch robes did. “Today, we’ll be learning how to brew a love potion!” he giggled as he ushered us in, giving each Gryffindor a piece of candy as they entered the room, ignoring the Slytherins. “Except the Slytherins, for you I expect a two foot long explanation of why Gryffindor is better than Slytherin.” I grinned, and thought of how I brought about the Slytherin’s despair and couldn't help but grin ear to ear at the memory of what would likely go down in the books as one of the best pranks EVER. 

After Snape had left from checking the cauldrons, I pulled out my wand.

“Expellisidad.” I whispered.”Nomere felicade Slytherin du Gryffindor, aleduos, momentous! ” the cauldron glowed green, then gold, then faded back to black. I grinned. When Severus Snape picked this up to put it away, it would make him change his personality completely.

“And fifty points to everyone else, too, just because you’re Gryffindor!”

I grinned, "almost there I thought to myself," I started to make my escape and just then, his smile started to turn back to his normal sneer, and his robes into his normal ones and his bellow echoed against every surface of the room, "POTTER, SARAH POTTER!"

“Yes?” I asked turning to face him with the sweetest smile I could muster for a face like his.

“Come with me to the Headmaster’s office NOW! Class dismissed!” he said, and stormed out of the room with me close on his heels. THIS should be fun. 

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