Explanations and a Feast

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As I turned to leave Dumbledore's office, someone stopped me. I turned, and Sarah was facing me, looking a little shy and embarrassed. 

"Harry, do you mind sitting next to me at the feast ?And will you ask your friend to sit by me, too?" She asked all in one breath.

"Hermione? Sure, and of course I will, why wouldn't I?" I replied, grinning broadly.

"Thank you!" Sarah said, flinging herself on me in a hug. I stiffened slightly, not used to feeling this much love, or hugs for that matter, then hugged her back tightly. I left the room, planning what I was going to tell Ron and Hermione, and how to say it without sounding crazy.

When I reached the Common Room, Ron and Hermione were there, waiting for me. They handed me bags full of candy, and started to tell me all about the village. I couldn't wait any longer and before Ron could finish his sentence, let alone his story I blurted out, "Listen, I'm glad you guys had fun, I hope you go again soon, but I've got news." 

"What happened? Is everyone alright?" asked Hermione, looking like she was about to run to the Hospital Wing just to check.

"Hermione, calm down. Everyone's fine, right Harry?" Ron said, his voice holding a slight note of worry as well.

"Yeah, everyone's fine." I checked around us, making sure no one was near enough to hear what I said. "I have a twin sister."

"Bloody -"Ron started, but Hermione cut him off.

"Really?" she squealed. "Harry, that's wonderful! What does she look like? Is she nice? Do you like her? Will she like us? Will we like her?" 

"She looks like my mum, except with dark hazel eyes, yes, I love her like the sister she is, probably, and most likely." I said, answering all of Hermione's questions in order. "And, Ron, really? That's the first thing you say? I'm really glad Hermione cut you off, 'cause if you had finished that sentence, I might've punched you."

"Wow, mate, aren't you a bit defensive? I mean, I know she's your sister, but you only just met her." Ron said.

"Sorry, Ron. I overreacted. It's just, I never knew about her. And on top of that, right now, everyone thinks she died the night Voldemort killed my parents." I said, ashamedly.

"It's fine, I understand. I feel the same way about Ginny." Ron said, patting my back.

"But Ginny's younger than you," I said. "Sarah's older by a minute." 

Ron fell off his chair in laughter.

"Shut up Ron!" Hermione whisper-yelled, then turned back to me. "Her name is Sarah? I've always loved that name. It means princess."

"That's the exact opposite of how she is. She's humble, nice, funny, loving, sweet, and all that mushy sort of stuff. I can't think of a bad thing to say. Well, aside from the second Voldemort finds out she's still alive, he's going to come after her too, I can't say anything bad." I told Hermione.

She winced at the name, then half laughed. "That is kinda bad, isn't it? But I suppose as long as she has you she's safe isn't she?"

"That plus you and Ron'll help, won't you?" I asked, raising my eyebrow questioningly.

"Of course we will! Why wouldn't we?" Hermione asked. 

I nodded. "We had better head to the feast."


I sat down, then scanned the tables for Sarah. Then Dumbledore stood up, and I caught a flash of red under his arm.

"Before we start the feast, I have an announcement. We have a new student, and I expect you to treat her exactly like you would any other new student." He turned around, and I saw Sarah stand. "We will Sort her, and then we will commence with the feast. May I present Ms.Sarah Potter." Several gasps followed by shocked silence filled the Hall.  I guessed the shock came from her scar and her name. She looked at me for what seemed to be reassurance so I grinned while Hermione grinned and waved. She smiled back    Hermione and me looking a bit less lost and scared , then sat on the stool. After several moments of silence from the Hat, it shouted to the Hall "GRYFFINDOR!" and our table exploded with applause. I heard someone shout "Take that Slytherin! We got BOTH Potters now!" I figured it was one of the twins, and grinned. After awhile, I heard Hermione and Sarah start whispering at each other, then Sarah started scraping food onto my plate while Hermione tried to replace it. Suddenly she stopped, nodded, whispered something, and started to eat. Watching the scene play out, I thought to myself,"I just hope they haven't already gotten into a fight. Sarah doesn't seem like one to fight with people though...Oh, Merlin, Malfoy...Poor Sarah. Well, we'll be there...I just hope he doesn't try anything...I don't wanna have to deal with him...I wonder why Hermione tried to make Sarah eat all that food...And why she stopped the way she did..". I thought before shrugging my shoulders thinking that it must just be a girl thing and started to eat my own dinner. 

Author's Note: Sorry for the very long delay in uploading, we've had computer/router issues. I am going to upload this one and if all goes well I will upload 2 more chapters tomorrow. 

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