Meeting Malfoy Sr.

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Snape lead me into Dumbledore's office. "This girl did something to me!" he shouted at Dumbledore. Dumbledore smiled serenly, looking at us over his half-moon glasses."Do you have proof of this, Severus?" "No, but it has to be her! She was retaliating because she got detention!" Severus said with an almost childlike snarl. Dumbledore replied again with the same serene smile, "And why did she have detention in the first place?" Severus, who was quickly becoming a petulant child with his replies, shouted, "She used Legillamancy on me!" At that, I exclaimed indingantly, "Not on purpose!" He shrieked,  "YES YOU DID, YOU IGNORANT LITTLE GIRL!" Then, realizing his mistake, backed away several steps."I think I'll be going now. No punishment is nessesary." Dumbledore grinned at me as Snape shut the door."Did you pull a prank on Proffessor Snape?" "Me? Pull a prank on Snape? Never!"I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Just then, a man with shoulder-length blonde hair walked in."Dumbledore, I need to see-"he stopped abruptly."Who are you?" he asked me venomously. "Sarah Potter, at your service, sir!" I said, saluting him, still riding high from my prank. "Perfect. I am here to inquire as to why you slapped my son." "He insulted my brother, my best friend,and me."I said, a hint of cold creeping into my voice as I realized who he was. "That still doesn't explain why you slapped him." he replied.  "Yes, sweetie, it does."I said, speaking in a slow, overly sweet voice, you might use for a two year old. "First you slapped my son, then you dare insult me?!"he asked, anger flooding his voice. "You will pay for your stupidity, girl!" 'he called me stupid...'I thought. The little voice in my head said,'Don't. Don't stoop! Ignore him!' 'I can't.'I thought, shaking in anger as the wind picked up around me once again. Malfoy gasped. I grinned at him. "If you thought me slapping your son was bad", watching his anger quickly turning to panic, "just wait..."I told him, venom dripping from my every word. He was backing towards the door. I shrieked."YOU'RE NOT LEAVING! NEVER CALL ME STUPID!"I pulled him closer using my magic.

"Sarah!!" Dumbledore all but shouted, the smile gone from his face. At that moment, I realized I was floating in mid-air, my hair whipping around me. Lucius fled the room, and I stopped the flow of magic coursing through my body. I fell to the ground, ashamed that I let my anger get the better of me . I choked out a half sigh, half sob and the next moment, all went black.

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