I Have A What Now?!? (Part Two!!)

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I snuggled closer to the couch, then tensed in fear. Couch? I bolted upright as I looked around I noticed the the two men and the one boy staring at me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on your couch, all I wanted was a little bread and water and maybe a warm place to stay? I didn't mean to barge in, the ghost things were after me, I didn't notice them until I was already inside, and I ran to this room because it seemed like someone was in here, oh, I'm so sorry, please, even just a crust of bread, anything, I've been walking through that forest for about a week, maybe more, I don't know, just please, I need somewhere to stay, I don't have money, I can work though-"

The old man interrupted me. "You do not need to worry about paying, or working, and I am sure we can find you something to eat and somewhere to sleep." he said kindly.

"Oh, thank you sir." I replied, my words not able to hold all the gratitude I felt towards the man.

"Er, Professor Dumbledore, sir, what about-" the boy started, but I interrupted him.

"Professor? This is a school? Oh no, I can't be here, you'll send me back, I haven't been since- but no, that was seven years ago, I doubt they'll remember if I do go back." I said. "Will you send me back?"

"Back? Back where?" The other man asked.

"The orphanage. I ran away after they blamed me for a window breaking and ruining a girl's eyes. I mean, we had argued and she was making me mad, but I would never hurt someone!" I said, fighting back tears.

"We wouldn't dream of sending you back. Harry," he said, turning to the boy, "will you leave us please? I need to, ahh, discuss something with our friend here." The  boy nodded, turned, and left the room.

"You are Ms.Potter, correct?" The old man asked.

"Yes, but how-how do you know my name?" I asked.

"Because the boy that just left is your twin brother."

"He's my what now?" I asked, shocked.

"Your twin brother. He goes here. This is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." he stated simply. "And this is Professor Lupin, he will be teaching your Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"My Defense Against the Dark Arts class? But, I'm not a witch. I can't do magic." I stated, still dumbfounded.

"Of course not." Professor Lupin said. "You can't do anything. You're just some stupid little girl looking for a warm fire to curl up next to." This made me furious beyond belief. Suddenly, the desk rose into the air, and started to turn cartwheels before landing upside down on the couch I had just jumped off of.

"Oh. Oops." I chuckled nervously, then pictured the desk back where it had started and flipped the right way. When I opened them, the office looked the same way it had five minutes ago. I looked around triumphantly, while Dumbleore and Lupin looked shocked. Well, Lupin did. Dumbledore hid his shock quickly.

Dumbledore seemed to mentally shake himself, and said "Well, if you will follow me to my office, we will Sort you, then go to Diagon Alley, with Harry, of course, and introduce you to everyone at the Halloween Feast."

So I followed the man called Dumbledore out the door to his office.


A/N~Comment with your opinions and constructive criticism Please!

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