Fred and George Meet Their Match

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I woke up the next morning on a couch in the Common Room with Fred and George Weasley standing in front of me, their wands out.

"What were you about to do to me?" I asked, sitting up. "Turn my hair green? Change my robes so they were Slytherin colors?" By now I had stood up and was walking slowly towards the boys, who were walking away faster than I was walking towards them. Eventually, they had backed themselves up to the fireplace and I was in their faces.

"Never, and I repeat never, prank me. Not only will I get revenge, I will get both Harry and Ron to help. I'm sure Ronald would absolutely love to get a little revenge for the past thirteen years he's lived with your pranks. Especially..." I paused, adding a little drama, "the little spider incident." The look of fear on their faces was priceless. Smirking slightly, I turned to face the Common Room.

"If any of you have a problem with them, let me know. I'll handle them." then went up to my dorm.

Once there, I changed and grabbed my books. I was half-way to the door when Hermione, Morgana, and Crystal burst into the dormitory.

"What did you do to Fred and George?" Hermione demanded. "When Harry, Ron, and I walked into the Great Hall they looked terrified, and when Ron and Harry started laughing, they ran from the Hall yelling 'Sarah! We're sorry! We weren't gonna do anything, promise!'. Nobody could tell us why, they were all laughing to hard." she finished, then the three looked at me for an explanation.

"I woke up to them with their wands out standing over me and threatned to sick Harry and Ron on them if they pranked me. I also told 'em I'd get my own revenge. Oh, and told everybody that if the twins gave them a problem to come to me and I'd handle them." I rolled my eyes at their looks. "I have to get my schedule from Dumbledore. I'll see you later." I said, then left the room.

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