Sarah vs. the Minister of Magic

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When we were almost at the Entrance Hall, I felt the chill I had felt when I first got to Hogwarts. Turning around, I saw loads of Dementors flying at us. Memories of the abuse from the orphanage ran through my head. I fell to my knees, placing my face in my hands, feeling the blood flow freely around my fingers.

"Expecto Patronum!" both Harry and Lupin called. Two silver figures burst from the ends of the wands, chasing them away.

"Are you OK?" asked Ron as Hermione hurried over.

"Yeah...fine..."I mumbled, prying myself off the ground, shaking. Sirius put an arm around me, and Harry held my hand. I smiled, feeling like I had a true family for the first time ever.

"Stop!" a voice shouted from behind us, popping my bubble.

"Oh, what now?"I said irritated, turning around.

"Remove your arm from the girl." said a portly man wearing a green bowler.

"No!" I told him. "Who're you, anyways?"

"Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic. Who might you be?" he asked, staring at me.

"Sarah Lily Potter."

He gasped. "Even more reason for you to let go of her Black!"

"No!" I said once again, wincing as I grabbed the hand on my shoulder with my broken wrist.

"Yes! He will be submitted to the Dementor's Kiss!"

"No! He's innocent! If you would just shut up and listen, you'd know that!" I said, reaching for the squirming rat in my pocket, having figured out who it was by the way Sirius tackled me in the forest.

"He killed Pettigrew-"

"No!"I yelled, pulling the rat out of my pocket. "He's alive! Show him, Professor!"

Lupin nodded, then took out his wand. I put it on the ground, and stepped on it's tail to keep it from escaping. Lupin pointed his wand at the rat, and it started to squeal, then transform. Lying before us was Peter Pettigrew. I stunned him before he could run away.

"Does anyone have any Verituserum?"I asked conversationally. One of the men with Fudge stepped up, handing me a tiny vial. I wrenched open his mouth and put in three drops.

"Full name."I demanded.

"Peter Ignatious Pettigrew."

"Were you the Secret Keeper for the Potters?"


"Did you betray them to Voldemort?"


"Did Sirius kill those Muggles?"


"Who did?"

"I did."

"See?" I said, turning to Fudge. "You have to let Sirius go!"

He turned red. "I will not stand for a little girl telling me what to do!"

"I have been through more in my thirteen years of life than you have in your sixty!" I screamed at him. "I was almost murdered by Voldemort, then I suffered through six years of physical, verbal, and mental abuse, then spent seven years on the street! Don't you DARE act like you know more than me, because I could rip you limb from bloody limb!" I shrieked, feeling a tingle in my scalp.

"What the heck?" Ron asked, staring at me.

"What?" I snapped.

"Your hair..."

I grabbed a piece and pulled it in front of my face. Instead of red, it was florescent orange, glowing even though it was dark.

Tossing my hair back, I glared at Fudge as one of his men came up to him and whispered in his ear.

"Since you gave conclusive evidence that Peter Pettigrew committed the crimes," he paused and sighed. "We're freeing Black. It'll be in the Prophet tomorrow."

"Good. I do have a request for payback for my...mistreatment."Sirius said.

"What?" snapped Fudge.

"Sarah and Harry become my legal wards as of right now, with Remus Lupin as their secondary guardian."

"Fine." he said, and the all turned and left.

Harry and I cheered. I had a home, and Harry never had to return to the Dursleys. Just then, my ankle decided to give again and I landed on my face again. This time when I sat up, little black dots danced in front of my eyes.

When I tried to stand, Sirius stopped me and picked me up bridal style.

"You've hurt yourself too much tonight." he said in explanation as he carried me through the halls. I just nodded and let the little black dots grow until the darkness consumed me.  

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