Meeting Malfoy

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(Sarah's P.O.V)

When Hermione and I woke up Sunday morning, no one else was awake yet, so we headed down to breakfast. When we reached the Great Hall and sat down, Hermione glared at me as I grabbed a piece of toast. I glared right back. When Hermione started trying to pile more food on my plate, I started to get ticked.

"Look, Hermione, I appreciate your concern, but really?" I asked.

"You said you'd eat!" She shot back.

"Yes, I said I'd eat, never a specific amount! A piece of toast is eating!" I countered.

"No it's not!"

"Yes, Hermione, it is!"

"No! It's not! Eggs and toast is eating! not just toast!"

"Yes, yes it is!"

"No, it bloody well isn't! EAT!"

"I am! Toast is food!"

"No it isn't!"

"Yes it is! I-win-card! HA! I win!"

"This isn't over."

"Yes it is. I played the it's-over-card too."

"I give up." Hermione stood and walked towards the doors.

"Hey! Wait up!" I hollered after her, running to catch up. As I reached her, she stopped, and sneered.


"Mud-blood." A blonde-haired boy stood in front of Hermione.

"Wow..." I said. They both looked at me.

"What?" The boy sneered. "Oh, wait, you're that Potter girl."

"Yes, and I'm confused." I stated simply.

"How?" He asked, looking at me strangely.

"I thought vampires were sparkly." I said, leaning towards him.

"You're just as stupid as your brother."he drawled. That ticked me off a little. "Of course, you've missed three years of school, so you're probably even stupider." That made it worse.

"I am NOT stupid. Call me that again, I dare you." I snarled through clenched teeth.

"Fine. Stupid. That's all you are and all you ever will be." Malfoy said.

Hermione, who had been staring at me the whole time, gasped. I ignored her.

"You'll pay for that." I snarled, then I slapped him. Hermione gasped again as Malfoy flew into the wall on our left. "Now, what were you gasping about?" I asked, calmly turning to Hermione.

"Your-your eyes. They were red when you were looking at Malfoy. Now they're, like, pale blue. It's a really calming color actually..."she trailed off. 

I gulped slightly. "Will uh, will you come to Dumbledore's office with me?"

"Yeah, why?" Hermione asked.

"You'll see why when we get there." I responded, glad my voice wasn't shaking.

After maybe five minutes walking, we came to Dumbledore's office, and I said the password. Hermione gulped as we went up the spiral staircase. I figured it was from being here two days in a row. Hermione knocked on the door and a cheery voice said "Come in."

Dumbledore looked surprised, but hid it quickly. A glance at Hermione told me she hadn't seen it, which struck me as odd for her. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit, Misses Potter and Granger?" Dumbledore asked, eyeing us over his half-moon glasses.

"First, as a warning, the head of someone's house should come in the door any second now." I said. As if on cue, the door opened and in walked in the man who had stared at me in disbelief in the teacher workroom. Now, however, he looked livid.

"I just found Draco Malfoy unconscious in front of the Great Hall with a hand print on the side of his face so red it could have been on fire!" he roared.

"Ah."said Dumbledore, smiling slightly. "I believe you are just in time to hear the explanation for this, Severus." he turned to me. "Ms.Potter?"

I sighed. "Malfoy called Hermione a mud-blood~whatever that is~then he called Harry stupid, and me stupid so I...I slapped him. It wasn't even a hard slap!"

Severus looked at me incredulously. "Not that hard? He's unconscius! You left a perfect handprint on the side of his face!"

"I didn't mean to!" I roared, my temper about to reach boiling point.

"You insolent girl! That changes nothing! What you did was utterly stupid!"

That word again...and he called me insolent...he's going to pay.... 

My voice went down to a whisper. "Do NOT call me stupid." With that, a wind began to whip around the room, my hair whipping in my face. The debris from what used to be Dumbledore's office formed a tornado around me and Severus, lifting us off the ground. He looked shocked again. 

"What?" I sneered. "Afraid of on insolent little girl are we?" He looked nervously at me, then at the tornado, then seemed to notice we were ten feet off the ground. I began to laugh insanely. "Noticed we're not on the ground anymore did we? I hope you also noticed I made it and that I can make it go like that." I snapped my fingers, and the tornado lost some height, me falling at the same rate, but Severus falling after. I laughed again. "Say something. Convince me not to just leave you here to fall to the's going to be rather hard you know..." I trailed off, grinning manically. 

"Please." Severus begged.

I sighed. "Fine, spoil sport." I made the tornado carry us gently to the ground. Once there, I snapped my fingers and everything went back to its original state. I turned to Dumbledore.

"Anyways, what I wanted to tell you was Hermione said my eye color changed. Like when Malfoy was being mean, they were red, but once I was calm again they were a really light blue. Right, Hermione?"

She nodded, at a lose for words, probably from the raw power she had just seen and experienced first-hand.

I noticed her awe and said, "Don't hate me. Please?"

She looked hurt. "Hate you? Never! I was just shocked is all."

 I sighed. Then Dumbledire said "Go back to your common room girls. I need to have a few words with Proffessor Snape."

I shrugged. "Alright. Bye, Snape! See you in class Monday!" I said, grinning evilly.

Snape looked nervous again for a second, then his mask fell back into place. I laughed and waved at him as we left the room.

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